Make Delegation a Standard
Operating Procedure

If you haven’t already started to put the delegation techniques described here into practice yet, what are you waiting for? Your team is depending on you, and so is you organization.

Start taking the steps outlined in this book to first make better decisions, and then to implement them effectively through delegation. The more you practice them, the better you’ll become through time. If you haven’t started trying them on for size already, the clock is ticking and opportunity is passing you by.


Remember, delegation is about uniting people, talents, skills, and knowledge to work smarter, not harder.

Practice the delegation techniques each day, in small increments, until they become a habit. Within weeks you’ll find you’re getting more done, with better results, and with better relationships to boot. If you follow the path laid out among these pages, throughout the next few months you’ll find that you’ve made delegating effectively a standard operating procedure in how you get work done.

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