Make Your Optimism Obvious

Before you can sell even one employee on the task or responsibility you’re delegating, you must be convinced yourself that the person can handle the job.

If you’ve assessed your team thoroughly, you should have no doubt you’ve made the best choice with the resources you have available to you. And frankly, that is the best any manager can do in a given situation.

Trust in your assessment and selection of who should take on the task or responsibility, then make your optimism obvious. Directly spell it out to the employee: “John, I’ve chosen you for this role because I think you have the best knowledge and skill sets to handle this particular task.”


Directly tell your employees why they were chosen for the task or responsibility.

Sincerely showing your confidence in the employee, and your optimism about how he will handle the job, will have a powerful impact on the outcome of the task. As a manager, you have a lot to gain because your employees’ success demonstrates you can effectively lead people to get results.

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