Resist the Urge to Dismiss Problems That Require Dynamic Levels of Decisions

Some problems seem to require multiple levels of decision—perhaps one that you can make and then two that your boss has to make, and yet another that a group or team needs to make. Sometimes these levels can seem daunting and almost insurmountable.

They are not; they are just difficult. But they can be navigated with some careful planning.


Review other such multilevel decisions you have experienced throughout the years. How were they handled?

The easiest way to handle these kinds of multiple decisions at different levels is to create an ad hoc team with the key decision makers involved. Create a single process that examines the problem from all levels, explores the solutions at each level, and discusses the possible solutions and how they interact with each other.

This process is more difficult and more time consuming. But don’t avoid it just because it seems too tough to handle.

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