Overcoming Mental Decision Blocks

You can become mentally fatigued when making decisions, and that can lead to mental blocks that stifle your thinking and leave you feeling frustrated.

But there are a number of techniques you can use to overcome mental blocks. Most of those techniques encourage you to rest or have fun. Yes, that’s right! If you’re feeling mentally fatigued or just fresh out of ideas, stop! Step away from the decision-making table—now!

If you’re mentally fatigued, you’ve overdone it. To overcome the block, you need a change of scenery, activity, perspective, or just some good old-fashioned rest and relaxation. By shifting the brain’s focus, you use the different parts of your brain. For instance, if you’ve been crunching numbers to come to a critical financial decision, you’ve been using the left side of your brain. And if you’ve developed a block you just can’t push through, that’s your left side yelling “uncle!”


Read on for a number of techniques that help you tap into your internal tag team. Try one, try two, or try them all. But learn what options you have when you’ve pushed your mind to the limit.

You may need to step away from the decision for awhile and give the right side of your brain a workout, get a different set of juices pumping. Think about parenting for a moment. Parenting is always easier when there are two. When the kids wear one parent down, the other can step in and take over, bringing fresh energy, ideas, and strategies to the situation. Your brain is like dual parenting—two sides that can work as a tag team.

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