Sometimes You Need to Use Brakes

There are some decisions that seem rushed, and that’s because they are.

We need to keep in mind that not every decision needs to be made today, or even tomorrow.

Yet, sometimes the process gets moving so quickly and with such energy that is seems to get away from us. When that happens, we risk a bad decision simply because it is rushed.

If you see this happening, hit the brakes—hard! Stop the process, even for a short period of time, to review the process and the status. Evaluate again the time frame this decision needs to be made within. If there is more time, then you can slow down the process. If there is not more time, then you can reorganize the process to allow you to better control it, so you get everything done without it getting away from you.


Keep an eye on the process to make certain it’s not getting out of control.

If it does get away from you and a decision gets made without proper due process, then it’s likely you’ll have other decisions to make down the road—decisions on how to fix the consequences of this decision!

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