
The fields subset of commands on Splunk is used to add, extract, and modify fields and field values. These commands help users enrich the data, do mathematical and string operations on the fields, and derive insight from the data.

The eval command

The eval command of Splunk is very useful and powerful. It can be used to evaluate Boolean, mathematical, or string expressions. It can also be used to create custom (new) fields using existing fields or arbitrary expressions. This command can be used to create new fields, which is the result of some calculations, or use conditional operators such as if, case, match, and so on to apply some expression and evaluate the result.

The eval command can also be used to coalesce fields from different sources or indexes to create a transaction of events. The command can be used to extract information to create multiple fields from an event(s).

The syntax for the eval command is as follows:

eval fieldname = expression/Functions

The parameter description of the eval command is as follows:

  • Expressions can be either arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %), Boolean (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, LIKE), comparison (<, >, <=, >=, =, ==, !=), and concatenation operator (.)
  • There is a large number of functions that can be used in the eval expression. Some of them are abs, if, lower, min, max, pi, power, random, split, and so on.

Refer to the following examples for better clarity:

  • … | eval Expression1 = (Field1 +Field2)/Field3
  • … | eval Result = min(field1, field2)
  • … | evalComplete_Address = Address_Line1." ".Address_Line2." ".Pincode
  • … | evalAndroid_Ver_Name = case(Version == 4.4, "KITKAT", Version == 5.0, "LOLLIPOP", Version == 6.0, "MARSHMALLOW")
  • index=kitkat OR index=lollipop | evalcache_errors=coalesce(dalvic_cache,art_cache)

Refer to the following list for an insight on the above examples:

  • In the first example, the eval command is used to do a mathematical calculation where an addition of Field1 and Field2 is divided by Field3 and the result is stored in Expression1.
  • In the second example, the eval command will store the minimum value from field1 and field2 and store it in the Result variable.
  • In the third example, a concatenation operator (.) is used to concatenate Address_Line1, Address_Line2, and pincode to get Complete_Address.
  • In the fourth example, case condition is used to get the name of the Android version, that is, if the Version is 4.4, then the Android_ver_name field will get assigned as KITKAT. If the Version is 5.0, then LOLLIPOP will get assigned and so on.
  • In the fifth example, coalcese is used along with the eval command to fetch information from different sources and indexes where field values are the same but field names are different. For example, for index=kitkat, cache_error is available under the dalvic_cache field, and for index=Lollipop, cache_error is available under art_cache. So, basically, depending on the index, the cache field name is changing, but the field information is the same. Hence, the coalcese command can be used to combine and get the result into a new field. In our example, the new field name is cache_errors.

The xmlkv command

This command is used when the data is in the XML format to exact the key-value pairs form the XML data. Using xmlkv automatically creates fields of the XML tags and makes them available for use on Splunk for analytics.

The syntax for the xmlkv command is as follows:

… |xmlkv

Refer to the following example of the xmlkv command:

sourcetype="xmltest" | xmlkv

The following screenshot describes the xmlkv command:

The xmlkv command

The test XML file uploaded on Splunk looks like this:

<phone id="phone101">

After running the xmlkv command, fields from the XML file, such as Manufacturer, Model, Android_ver, and price automatically get extracted from the file and are available as fields that can be used to create analytics and visualizations. This xmlkv command makes it easier to do to analysis on XML files.

The spath command

This command is similar to the xmlkv command, but unlike xmlkv, which can be used only for XML files, spath can be used on any structured data, such as JSON and XML files, to extract the tags from the structured data into fields. spath commands can be used to extract multivalued fields from JSON and XML events or to extract a subset of an attribute.

The syntax for the spath command is as follows:

… |spath 

The parameter description of the spath command is as follows:

  • input: The field from which the data is to be extracted can be specified in this parameter. The default value for this parameter is _raw.
  • output: The name of the field to which the data is to be extracted to. This is used where a custom name of the field is needed rather than the auto extracted field name.
  • path: This is the path of the value that is to be extracted. Let's take an example of a path from the following sample XML file:
      <book category="Technical">
        <title lang="en">Splunk Basic</title>
        <author>Jack Thomas</author>

    Now, the path of the tag year will be and so on. Depending on the hierarchy, the path can be defined and specified accordingly.

Take a look at the following example:

sourcetype="_json" | spath
The spath command

As shown in the preceding example, using spath, structured data tags can be extracted into fields. In the left box in the image, the path to the data can be seen like an access alignment field and the path would be widget.image.alignment. The output parameter can be used to get the value from the specified path into a fieldname of user choice.

The makemv command

This makemv Splunk command is used to convert a single value field into a multivalued field based on the specified delimiter. This command can be useful to extract information that is available in a single file. For example, from an e-mail ID, [email protected], the username and domain can be extracted using the makemv command.

The syntax for the makemv command is as follows:

makemv delim=Delimiter_string 
    | tokenizer=Regex/tokens

The description of the parameters is given as follows:

  • delim: Splits the string on every occurrence of the delimiter specified here. The default delimiter is a single space.
  • tokenizer: A regular expression of a token that is to be matched in the string to split.
  • setsv: If this parameter is set to true, then there is simultaneous existence of multivalue and single value for the same field.

An example of the makemv command is discussed as follows:

sourcetype=EmailFile | makemvdelim="@" EmailID | table EmailID
The makemv command

As shown in the preceding screenshot and example, we will convert all the single value EmailID fields into multivalued attributes by breaking them on every occurrence of @. Hence, the EmailID field, after applying the makemv command, will have two values, that is, username and the domain.

The fillnull command

The fillnull command of Splunk is used to replace null values in fields with specific user-defined values. Null values are those values that are present for one field but not for another field in a result set. For example, we have a table that displays the personal information of students, such as Name, Address, Phone Number, PAN Number, SSN Number, and so on. It may happen that some students may not have a PAN number or SSN number, so for that specific user, the corresponding filed value will be null. Using fillnull, those null fields can be filled with user-defined values.

The syntax for the fillnull command is as follows:

… | fillnull value=String

Here, the value parameter is a string that the user wants in place of null.

Take a look at the following example of the fillnull command:

index="_audit" | table action info | fillnull value="NOT AVAILABLE"
The fillnull command

As shown in the example, any null field will be filled with the user-defined value. In our example, the user-defined value is NOT AVAILABLE. If the value parameter is not specified, then the default value, that is, 0 will be entered.

The filldown command

The filldown Splunk is a customized version of the fillnull command, where instead of filling user-defined or zero values to the null fields, the previous non-null value for the field or field set is applied. In a scenario where there is no non-null previous fields, then it will be left blank (NULL).

Refer the following command skeleton for the syntax of the filldown command:

 | filldown field-list

The field-list parameter is a list of fields to which filldown is applied. If the field list is not specified, then all the fields are applied with filldown.

Take a look at the following example for a better understanding:

index="_audit" | table action info | filldown
The filldown command

As shown in the fillnull example image, the fields with null values were filled with the user-defined string NOT AVAILABLE. On using filldown for the same instead of null, the previous non-null value, that is, granted, is assigned to that respective field.

The replace command

The replace command of Splunk works similar to the fillnull command. In the fillnull command, only the null fields were filled up with respective user-defined values, whereas in the replace command, any field value can be replaced with a user-defined string. replace can be used to make the output more readable and understandable to end users or so on. For example, if the user wants the hostname to be replaced with localhost, or say, in my data, android_version is 5.0 and the user wants 5.0 android_version instead to read lollipop then the replace command can be used.

The syntax of the replace command is as follows:

…|replace old_string WITH new_string IN Field_list

The parameter description is as follows:

  • old string: The string that is to be changed
  • new string: Specifies the new string to which the old string is to be changed
  • Field_list: List of fields to which this replace command is to be applied

Refer to the following examples for a better understanding:

  • Example 1: … | replace WITH localhost IN host
  • Example 2: …| replace 5.0 WITH lollipop IN Android_version

In Example 1, every occurrence of in the host field will be replaced by localhost. Similarly, in Example 2, 5.0 will be replaced with lollipop in the Android_version field.

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