Chapter 21. Administering Your Enterprise Project Management Solution

After the servers, database, and software are installed and working together properly, it is the job of the project server administrator to configure Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 so that it is ready for the users.

The project server administrator might be a portfolio manager with a good working knowledge of systems and databases. Or, the administrator can be an IT professional. In either case, the project server administrator needs to be dedicated and available when Office Project Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Project Web Access are first being set up. This person also needs to be available whenever project managers, team members, or other system users need to change their setup.

Specifically, the project server administration functions include:

  • Adding users and setting their permissions.

  • Establishing the enterprise resource pool and associated resource information.

  • Standardizing project elements included in the enterprise global template.

  • Customizing views and pages for the requirements of the enterprise or a particular project.

Although this chapter is targeted for project server administrators, it’s a good idea for project managers to review this chapter as well. This chapter can help project managers understand the enterprise project management capabilities available, as well as the effort required to implement certain features.

Logging On and Off

To log on to Office Project Web Access, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Web browser. In the Address bar, enter the URL for the location of the project server.

  2. On the logon page, enter the user ID and password that were set up for you as the administrator.

    The home page of Project Web Access appears.

To log off of Project Web Access, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the Project Web Access window, click the Welcome button.

  2. In the drop-down list that appears, click Sign Out.

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