Show Them the Vision and the Rewards

Would you drive across country without knowing where you were going? Of course not! Even if you’re not sure of what route you’ll take, you certainly want to know your destination. Otherwise, how would you ever know when you’ve arrived?

The same is true when it comes to delegation.

To get the most out of delegation, show your employees the vision. Help them see what could be as a result of their efforts. For example, if your goal is to launch a new product within the next year, then show your employees what that launch will look like and what it could bring to the organization, such as increased revenues, high profits, larger bonuses for the team, and so on.


To delegate effectively, begin by showing people the destination, and setting the vision of success.

And remember, vision is not exclusive to the Fortune 500 company. The same can be applied to a small business or family dynamic. A vision for a small business might be to increase productivity by 15 percent, with the pay-off being increased revenue that will help to provide insurance benefits to employees for the first time. For a family, the vision could be a larger home or dream vacation, which can be both a vision and a reward combined.

Because delegation is ultimately about sharing responsibilities and motivating others to carry them out in a way that gets results and inspires confidence, you’ll need to help people see your vision.

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