Fight the Fear of Delegating
the Bigger Decisions

Just as it is easy to delegate the small, low-impact tasks or responsibilities, it is also easy to give in to the fear of delegating larger decisions.

Learning to delegate is fraught with fears. In fact, it can feel like a minefield of fear. Everywhere you turn, you see something that could blow up. And going wrong when delegating the bigger decisions can set off a chain reaction that could land you in the unemployment line.


To get over your fear of delegating the bigger decisions, put them in perspective and start conquering them one step at a time.

So, you should proceed with caution when rolling the big dice. But proceeding with caution can still move you forward. If you find yourself holding onto the big decisions, and that is holding you back from achieving greater success, then get some perspective. Or better stated, put big decisions in perspective.

What do you consider big decisions? Make a list. Then label them A, B, C, and so on. Start at the very bottom of the list and ask yourself if this big decision is small enough to give to your most trusted team member. If so, then take the leap—by sharing your vision, setting expectations, and following up.

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