Spread the Word

Along with setting expectations with individual employees, you also need to set expectations with other team members and those that interact with your team. This will help to avoid conflict and unnecessary barriers once the employee begins to carry out the delegated task or responsibility.

Researchers have found that despite popular belief, it is not personalities or styles that are at the root of conflict in organizations. Instead, it is role ambiguity and role encroachment that sparks most territorial fires in-house.

When roles are unclear, people can unintentionally collide. And when it happens to rivals on a team, it can be like flint hitting rock. Sparks fly! The same can happen when role encroachment occurs. Just think of driving in traffic and a car arbitrarily weaves into your lane, cutting you off. That’s a recipe for road rage—or worse. That same frustration can be played out in the workplace when roles are not clear.

To keep the internal traffic moving smoothly, be sure to spread the word about what you’ve delegated, to whom, and why. Consider it part of setting expectations. You expect others to respect the role you’ve assigned to an individual employee and to work collaboratively or cooperatively, depending on the situation, as the designee carries out that role.


Be sure to inform others of what you’ve delegated to whom and why.

But don’t stop with your immediate team. If others in the organization will be affected by the decision you’ve made, be sure to inform them as well. This tells others the designee has your support and backing. Others will be less likely to act as possible road blocks if they understand the employee is not acting arbitrarily.

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