Perfection Not Necessary

Perfectionists beware! You could find delegation difficult. If you delegate with the expectation that everything will be done precisely as you’ve planned and directed, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.


If you’re prone to perfection, change your perception. Strive for excellence instead. After all, perfection is much like beauty—it is in the eye of the beholder.

If you’re going to delegate, you’re going to have to cast perfection to the wayside and instead focus on what success looks like. If the delegate achieves the results you want, and does it ethically and within the parameters of the law and company policy, then chalk it up to a win. It’s okay if there are a few minor bumps and glitches along the way. They build character—and hone problem-solving skills.

And if you’re someone who holds to the viewpoint that “if you want anything done right, you better do it yourself,” you’re going to need an attitude adjustment to be successful at delegation. Let’s face it; no one will do things exactly as you would do them. In fact, it’s diverse thinking and styles that often make the strongest teams.

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