Greater Team Involvement

When you delegate effectively, you turn employees into team players. You give them each a piece of the action, a chance to get on the court and play, show their stuff, and share in the victory.

You also give them a chance for insight and input. Because effective delegation demands follow-up and open communication between you and your employees, your team members get a direct line into your thinking, what you want to accomplish, and how you want it accomplished. Believe it or not, all employees want this. They want to know how to please the boss, and how they can be part of the bigger picture.


Tap into your employees’ thoughts—and save yourself wear and tear on your own mind, and nerves.

But delegation also gives you access to your very own think tank—your employees! Encouraging their input as part of completing their delegated tasks and responsibilities gives you access to scores of ideas and solutions. When you get into the swing of delegating regularly, you’ll find you no longer have to sit in solitude wracking your brain for answers.

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