Decisions to Fit In

This is another decision you are tempted to make not because the organization needs it, but because you need it, which is always a questionable motivation. The desire for new managers to fit in with their new peer group of other managers is strong—and normal.

However, there are many more ways to begin the fitting-in process than by making decisions for that purpose alone. Again, the people who are affected by that decision will immediately recognize your motivation and think less of you for it. And your new peer group will also see the same thing; your credibility and capability will be damaged.


Recall others who have made decisions just to be “one of the team.” You didn’t respect it then, and others will not respect it from you.

Instead, to fit in, become a resource to other managers. Become someone they can count on for help and advice. Get to know them and let them get to know you.

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