Training for Trouble

So what do you do when the project you’ve delegated is moving along nicely, and then your employee leading it hits a patch where he is out of his league in terms of knowledge or expertise?

If coaching during follow-up sessions does not help, and you see your employee struggling or becoming frustrated, you need to step in and determine if additional training is needed.

It is important not to let your employee’s frustration override his confidence. Take matters into hand immediately. But work together with your employee to determine the best course of action. For example, does he need to attend a formal training on a specific topic, or would riding along with a sales representative for a week give him the insight and knowledge he needs?


Working with your employee to determine where he is struggling can help bring the best solution to light. Partnering in this vein also will allow your employee to maintain ownership of the task, and help keep his confidence in tact.

Sometimes mere exposure is enough to help round out the rough edges when an employee hits a difficult patch. But it could take time in a formal training program, instead.

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