Celebrate Success

Look for opportunities to recognize your employees publicly when they meet your expectations with the delegated tasks and responsibilities.

This could be something ranging from a team award to a pat on the back in front of your boss. But take the time to find out how your employee likes to be recognized for a job well done. Some people feel embarrassed by group displays of appreciation, and some just aren’t particularly motivated by money. In fact, the overachievers in your group are more likely to be motivated by being given even more responsibility and challenge. But if you ask each employee when you’re establishing expectations, the E in the ETFs of delegation, you’ll know for certain—and then you can put it to use.


It is the small steps that add up to the big ones, so look for ways to recognize your employees as they progress in completing their delegated tasks and responsibilities.

And don’t just wait for the big accomplishments. Celebrate even the small victories along the way. Good leaders look for reasons to applaud their employees, even if it’s just for having a good attitude.

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