Do You Need to Share the Decision With Someone Else?

Seems like a simple questions, doesn’t it? To share or not to share. Yet, it is not always that easy to tell. If you have analyzed the situation as we have already suggested, you know who needs to be involved. But do you know whether they need to share in the decision process or just be consulted?


Review past decisions and consider those that were consultative versus consensus. Why were they consultative and not consensus, or vice versa? Your own past experiences will be important here.

We’re back to some of those earlier questions. Who should be involved and why? The why will suggest if they need to be a co-decision maker. Sometimes there is just one other person with an important stake in the outcome of the decision. When that is the case, consider consulting and sharing the decision process and outcome with him or her.

Sometimes there are many with a stake in the process or outcome. In those cases, you will need to decide (yes, another decision) whether you will consult and then make a decision, or whether you will work toward a consensus.

Each of these options is different, and requires slightly different processes and concerns.

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