Handling Those Who Disagree

If conflict is inevitable, then how do you handle those who disagree? Remember we acknowledge that it’s not personal—for them or for us, so disagreement may well be a positive.

At some point, disagreement should change to acceptance. Total agreement is not required, even in a consensus situation. Remember that consensus requires only that the group accept the decision as a whole.

In handling those who disagree, make certain you do a few key things:

Image Make certain their voices have been heard—that you have given them an opportunity to present their positions.

ImageMake certain that you (or the group) have engaged with them via questions and discussion, so they believe they had a fair hearing.

Image Make certain all of their questions and concerns have been addressed.

Image Remember that they need to accept the decision, not necessarily agree with it.


Practice listening and discussion techniques to handle those who disagree.

A final note: Do not change you mind just because you want to avoid conflict with someone else.

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