
Congratulations on an excellent decision: buying this book.

Whether you are just starting out in management, are a long-time seasoned leader, or are working your way to that first manager role, this book is right for you. It’s filled with quick, simple, yet compelling tips on how to make decisions more effectively, and how to implement them through delegation.

Making decisions and delegating are the two most important responsibilities of management. Yet, they are the two most difficult skills to master. After all, managers are learning how to make decisions and delegate on the fly as they hurry their way through, day to day, just trying to get it all done.

151 Quick Ideas for Delegating and Decision Making pulls together tips and insights in one easy-to-use guide that can help you become a leader among leaders.

In this book, you will learn how to know when it’s time to make decisions by consensus, and when it’s time to go solo. You’ll also learn how to develop a strategy for making better decisions, time after time, and how to analyze decisions before they are made and after they are implemented. You’ll learn how to go “mindless” when decisions become too overwhelming.

Yet 151 Quick Ideas for Delegating and Decision Making goes one step further. It also gives you insights on how to better implement your decisions, and how to influence people and develop your employees to get better results. For example, you’ll learn how to overcome the biggest stumbling blocks to delegating, such as giving up power, facing your fear of failure, and letting go of perfection. And it also gives you proactive tips on how to leverage your management style, how to determine which employees are best for what jobs, and how to delegate sideways and upwards to colleagues and superiors.

In short, this book is an excellent guide—filled with quick tips that are easy to digest and fun to learn—to help you set up your own system for creating opportunities, and succeeding at them day after day.

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