Don’t Be a Buridan’s Ass

This is a decision-making technique you can use when two alternative courses of action appear to be equally attractive or positive and you need to decide between the two. This technique suggests that if the positives are equal, focus on the negatives.

To use this method, list all the negative points or drawbacks to each alternative. The one with the fewest negatives is probably the best solution.

You see, when we find two solutions of equal benefit, we often lose sight of the negatives. This method forces us to focus on the whole decision, negatives included.

So where did Buridan’s Ass come from? It’s an old fable that places an ass between two equally large bales of hay. The ass can’t decide which bale to turn and eat from because they are both so attractive. Because of its indecision, the ass starves to death in front of a wealth of hay.


Recall the tale of Buridan’s Ass. It will remind you when you need to use this method.

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