Decisions as Remedies

As we examine decision making, we can view the process as one with two potential goals: first, to fix problems or challenges we have identified, and second, to make decisions that advance the organization.

Probably the most common decisions are made to remedy a problem inside the organization. We are constantly faced with these in life. For example, our son brings home a bad report card, so you make a decision to require him to study and do his homework every night before he can watch TV, surf the Internet, or play a video game.


Think about some of the recent decisions you have made in your personal and professional life and identify which are remedies, or decisions to fix something. Think about those circumstances. We’ll come back to those later.

You have identified a problem and created a solution to the problem—a remedy, so to speak. In doing so, you probably evaluated a number of different alternative solutions and arrived at this one.

We do the same kind of decision making in our organizations all the time.

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