When You Don’t Have the Final Decision

Even CEOs don’t always have the final decision. Often, they must follow the direction of their board, stockholders, government, and sometimes even the public.


Determine the level of influence you could have regarding a problem or issue by considering what knowledge and expertise you can lend to the situation.

So, if you find yourself having to defer the final decision to someone else or a group, resist the temptation to take it as an insult to your competency. Remember that rarely do the most powerful players have carte blanche to make critical decisions without a higher authority’s approval.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t play an influential role in the final decision. You can be the person that frames the issue, researches the situation, and provides the pros and cons, and other “intelligence” to the final decision maker.

In doing this, you position yourself as a leader on the issue, if not an expert. Following this approach, it is more likely than not that your input and opinion on the matter will be valued and heard. If you’ve done your homework, it will show—and it could earn you a place at the table when the final decision is made.

Influence can sometimes be a more powerful card to hold than final decision-making authority.

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