Evaluation Also Means Looking at People

In most decision-making situations, you are often asked to not only make a decision about the what, but also about the who. Who will execute the decision? Who will manage the effort? Who will report to whom about what?

When you look at the success or failure of your decision, also look at how well the people you placed into positions executed their roles. Did you select the right people for the right jobs? Did they meet expectations? Were they provided with the tools to execute the decision successfully? Did the put the energy and intellectual effort into the outcome that was appropriate?


Go back and review some old decisions—ones either you or someone else made. What can you learn?

People are critical to making decisions work. When you evaluate outcomes, evaluate your decisions in light of the people you placed in positions to affect the decision’s outcomes. Don’t discount their efforts. People can often make a bad decision a success through outstanding effort, or make a great decision fail through lack of effort on incompetence.

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