Discovering ICMP and TCP SYN/Port scans

Scanning is the process of sending packets to network devices in order to see who is answering the ping requests, to look for listening TCP/UDP ports, and to find which types of resources are shared on the network including system and application resources.

Getting ready

A scanning attack is usually detected by users complaining about slow network responses, management systems that discover unusual load on servers or communication lines, and when the attack is implemented also by Security Information and Event Management Systems (SIEM) that identifies suspicious usage patterns. In these cases, locate the Wireshark with port mirror as close as possible to the area that you suspect is infected, and start capture.

How to do it...

To discover the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Start Wireshark with capture on the interface that is close to the problem:
    • If the line to the Internet becomes slow, port mirror the line
    • If a server becomes slow, port mirror the server
    • If remote offices become slow, port mirror the lines to them
  2. If you see that Wireshark does not respond, it is probably because you have a very strong attack that generates thousands or more packets per second; so, Wireshark (or your laptop) cannot process them. In this case, stop Wireshark (with Ctrl+Alt+Del in Windows or with the kill command in Unix if necessary) and configure it to capture multiple files (described in the Starting the capture of data recipe in Chapter 1, Introducing Wireshark)
  3. There are various patterns that you might see, all of them with the same behavior— massive scanning, ICMP or TCP in most of the cases, but also other types. The best way to understand all is to see them with some examples.
  4. In the following diagram, you see a network that was under attack. Users from all the remote sites complained about a very slow network. They were all accessing servers on the center on the left-hand side of the diagram.
    How to do it...
    • What I got when I connected Wireshark to a remote site (as illustrated below) was many ICMP requests (3), coming from the LAN (1) to random destinations (2). Was it random?
      How to do it...
    • Also, look at the time between packets. If scanned, it will usually be very short.
    • When you go to Statistics | Conversations, you will see something interesting:
      How to do it...
    • When we sort the table by address A (1), we see a pattern of ICMP requests coming from various addresses on the network (here, we see a very small part of it, that is, scans the network).
    • This worm simply scans the network with ICMP requests. The moment someone answers, the worm infects him/her also, and after a few minutes, all communication lines are blocked with ICMP requests going out of the remote offices.



      When you see a massive number of pings scanning on a communication channel or link, that is, thousands and more pings, check for the problem. It can be the SNMP software discovering the network, but it can also be a worm that will flood your communications line or server links (or both).

  5. Another common type of scan is the TCP-SYN scan. In this case, the attacker scans random TCP ports with TCP-SYN packets waiting for someone to answer with SYN-ACK. The moment it happens, there are two options:
    • The attacker will continue to send SYN packets and receive the SYN-ACKs, thus leaving many half-open connections on the device under attack
    • The attacker will answer with ACK, thus initiating the connection, and leave it open as in DoS/DDoS attacks or try to harm the device under attack with this connection
  6. The TCP-SYN scan will look like one of the patterns in the following screenshots:
    • You will see many SYN packets without any response from the node under attack.
      How to do it...
    • You will see many SYN packets when a TCP RST packet is sent as a response to each one of them. This is usually when you have a firewall on the device that is under attack or will be attacked.
      How to do it...
    • You can also have consecutive SYN and RST packets. When there is a port number that is opened, you will see the complete SYN/SYN-ACK/ACK when the scanner opens connection to the victim. This is illustrated in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  7. Always look for unusual traffic patterns. Too many ICMP requests, for example, are a good indication for scanning. Look for multiple ICMP requests to clients, ICMP timestamp request, ICMP in ascending or descending order, and so on. These patterns can indicate malicious scanning.
    • When you suspect a scan, click on the title of the destination (address), and you will get the packet list sorted by the destination address. In this way, it will be easier to see the scan patterns.
    • In the following screenshot, you see an example of this scenario:
    How to do it...
  8. In the case of application scanning, you can have various types of scans:
    • NetBIOS scans: It looks for massive scanning of NetBIOS ports
    • HTTP: It looks for SYN requests to HTTP port 80 with HTTP requests later on
    • SMTP: It looks for massive scanning on the TCP port 25
    • SIP: It looks for massive requests on port 5060

Other types of applications are scanned according to their port numbers

How it works...

The majority of scanners work in several steps: ARP scanning, ICMP, and then TCP or UDP. The principle is simple:

  • If the scanner is on the LAN, it sends an ARP broadcast to the entire LAN.
  • The scanner sends ICMP requests. Some of the ICMP requests will be answered.
  • When someone answers the ARP or ICMP request, it goes up to TCP and UDP and starts scanning the layer-4 ports. When the scanner finds out that a port is open, it starts with application scanning.
  • In application scanning, the scanner sends commands to the applications, trying to get the application to answer, and in this way, try to break into it.

There's more...

Most of the modern intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) in the last several years know how to deal with ICMP scans, TCP SYN scans, and various types of scans that generate massive traffic of standard, well-known attack patterns. In case you have such a system and you connect to the Internet with an ISP that has their systems, you are probably protected from these simple types of attacks.

These systems usually work in two ways:

  • NetFlow/Jflow-based IDS/IPS that identifies massive traffic coming from several sources; they neutralize it by blocking it or changing the routing tables to disable these packets from getting to the ISP network
  • Content-based IDS/IPS that looks at the traffic patterns and accordingly decides whether to forward it or not

Attacks coming from the internal network are not filtered by the external devices, and therefore, are even more common. There are more sophisticated types of attacks that will be discussed in the Locating smart TCP attacks recipe later in this chapter.

The way to prevent attacks coming from the Internet is to connect through an ISP with efficient IDS/IPS systems along with using one of your own. The way to prevent attacks coming from the internal network is to implement organizational security policy along with appropriate protection software such as antivirus and personal firewalls.

See also

In the previous section, I've mentioned the issue of organizational security policy, that is, how to implement a set of rules for securing your organization. Further information on this subject is widely available on the Internet. Some interesting websites that cover this area are:

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