VBA includes a number of commands to give developers Registry access. They are pretty straightforward to use when you have an idea how to work with the Registry, which at this point you should.

Six commands deal with the Registry; Table 18.2 lists four.

Table 18.2. These Commands Allow Developers to Manipulate the Registry in VBA
VBA Command Purpose
DeleteSetting Deletes a key or value from an application's entry in the Windows Registry or 16-bit INI file.
GetSetting Retrieves a key or value from an application's entry in the Windows Registry or 16-bit INI file.
GetAllSettings Returns a list of key settings and their respective values from an application's entry in the Windows Registry or 16-bit INI file. This places the information in a two-dimensional array.
SaveSetting Saves or creates an application entry in the Windows Registry or 16-bit INI file.


Although these commands are available to all development environments that use VBA, there is also some Access-specific commands for setting Access options:

  • The SetOption statement lets you set the individual options in Access (refer to Figure 18.4). To see more about this command, check out the help in Access.

  • An individual user profile is a special set of Windows Registry keys that you can create to override standard Microsoft Access and Microsoft Jet database engine settings and to specify additional runtime options. You then can use a user pro file when opening an Access database by specifying /profile with the name of the user profile file in the command line. More on this can be found by looking up profiles in the Access help.

A number of commands also work with Jet objects and references. These commands work in all VBA environments when working with these objects.

The first command I want to discuss is the SaveSetting statement, the last in Table 18.2. From VBA you can use SaveSetting to store the default settings you want to create for your application. You can see this in Listing 18.1. This routine, part of the modVBARegRoutines module, can be found in Chap18.mdb, which is located in the ExamplesChap18 folder on the CD-ROM.

Listing 18.2. Chap18.mdb: Creating the Default Registry Settings
Sub CreateRegSettingDefaults()

   ' Place some settings in the registry.
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="UseJet", setting:=True
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="BackendName", setting:="Chap18BE1.mdb"
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="BackendPath", _
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="UseReplication", setting:=False
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="ProdOrDev", setting:="Development"
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="ProdServer", setting:="Fortknox"
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="DevServer", setting:="Abednego"
   SaveSetting appname:="Chapter 18 - Registry Example App", _
       Section:="Settings", key:="MenuType", setting:="User"

End Sub

Normally, you would want to track default values by using a more data-driven method, rather than the hard-code values shown here. I will show you this method in a moment. However, running the CreateRegSettingsDefaults routine creates the Registry entries as shown in Figure 18.5.

Figure 18.5. The HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program Settings path is where all settings are affected using Registry commands in VBA.

To take this a step further, let's use Access to store initial values that will be stored in the Registry. The next routine deletes all the settings for the application, cycles though a table, and generates the defaults. Figure 18.6 shows the values stored in the tblDefaultSettings table.

Figure 18.6. These values will soon be stored in the Registry.

Listing 18.2 shows the code to perform this latest task.

Listing 18.2. Chap18.mdb: Removing and Creating Settings for the Current Application from a Table
Sub CreateAllRegSettingsFromTable()

   Dim dbLocal As Database
   Dim tblDefaults As Recordset
   Dim strAppName As String

   On Error GoTo Err_CreateAll

   Set dbLocal = CurrentDb()
   Set tblDefaults = dbLocal.OpenRecordset("tblDefaultSettings")

   '-- Get the application title to use as a key
   strAppName = dbLocal.Properties("AppTitle")

   On Error Resume Next

   '-- Remove all the settings
   DeleteSetting strAppName, "Settings"

   On Error GoTo Err_CreateAll

   '-- Recreate all the settings
   With tblDefaults

      Do Until .EOF

         SaveSetting appname:=dbLocal.Properties("AppTitle"), _
               Section:="Settings", key:=!SettingTitle, _


   End With


   Exit Sub


   MsgBox Err.Description
   Resume Exit_CreateAll

End Sub

This routine uses two Registry commands, DeleteSetting and SaveSetting. It works great when you want to re-create all the default settings for an application. If you want only to add settings and not overwrite current settings, however, you need to add the command GetSetting and modify the CreateAllSettingsFromTable routine. Listing 18.3 shows how this is done in CreateNewSettingsFromTable.

Listing 18.3. Chap18.mdb: Adding Only New Settings to the Registry
Sub CreateNewRegSettingsFromTable()

   Dim dbLocal As Database
   Dim tblDefaults As Recordset
   Dim strAppName As String
   Dim strSetting As String

   On Error GoTo Err_CreateNew

   Set dbLocal = CurrentDb()
   Set tblDefaults = dbLocal.OpenRecordset("tblDefaultSettings")

   '-- Get the application title to use as a key
   strAppName = dbLocal.Properties("AppTitle")

   '-- Create settings for those defaults where there is no entry
   With tblDefaults

      Do Until .EOF
         strSetting = GetSetting(appname:=strAppName, _
               Section:="Settings", key:=!SettingTitle)

         If Len(strSetting) = 0 Then

             SaveSetting appname:=strAppName, Section:="Settings", _
                     key:=!SettingTitle, Setting:=!DefaultValue

         End If



   End With


   Exit Sub


   MsgBox Err.Description
   Resume Exit_CreateNew

End Sub

This routine is useful when you're updating an application and don't want to overwrite current settings, but want to add any new defaults used by the system. Also, when using the application on the same machine, people can have the default settings recorded into the Registry without overwriting other user's settings because VBA puts the entries under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key.

Now, to use the defaults recorded in the Registry, you use only the GetSetting command with the name of the setting (value) you desire. A wrapper function, GetDefaultSetting(), performs this task:

Public Function GetDefaultSetting(strNameOfSetting As String) As String

   GetDefaultSetting = _
GetSetting(appname:=CurrentDb().Properties("AppTitle"), _
            Section:="Settings", key:=strNameOfSetting)

End Function


Wrapper routines are VBA routines that you create to simplify the calling of more complex routines and commands. These include API calls as well.

To round out the routines for simple Registry manipulation using VBA commands, here are a couple that allow you to update individual settings and delete a setting. Note that the setting would be added again if any create setting routines are called.

Public Sub SetDefaultSetting(strNameOfSetting As String, strValue As String)

   SaveSetting appname:=CurrentDb().Properties("AppTitle"), _
            Section:="Settings", key:=strNameOfSetting, setting:=strValue

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteDefaultSetting(strNameOfSetting As String)

   DeleteSetting appname:=CurrentDb().Properties("AppTitle"), _
                    Section:="Settings", key:=strNameOfSetting

End Sub

There you have it. These routines are all you need to create and maintain Registry settings for your application. Although these will work for simple tasks of working with defaults, there are a number of limitations, including the following:

  • All the settings will be maintained in the key path

    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program Settings

    Sometimes you might not want to have the settings in this path.

  • If your path is more complicated and you need to have more keys and values with different branches, using the straight VBA commands can be somewhat cumbersome.

The solution to these limitations is using API calls to the Registry. Now, before running off in terror, you can use the wrapper routines supplied with the sample database and not have to worry about shooting yourself in the foot (too much). Remember that a wrapper routine in this case is a VBA routine created to set up variables needed for calling API routines. They make life much easier, especially because you can usually cut and paste the routines into your own application without knowing all that's going on behind the API routine.

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