Although Chapter 28 discusses replicating code tables, I thought it would be worthwhile to look briefly at ap_CheckReplicatedTables in this chapter (see Listing 27.6).

Listing 27.6. VideoApp(ADO).mdb: Replicating Code Tables
Sub ap_CheckReplicatedTables()

   Dim catLocal As New ADOX.Catalog
   Dim rstCheckRep As New ADODB.Recordset
   Dim cmdUpdateRep As New ADODB.Command
   Dim strTableName As String

   On Error GoTo Error_ap_CheckReplicatedTables

   Set catLocal.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

   DoCmd.Echo True, "Checking for Replicated Tables..."

   '-- Attach the backend replicated table
   '-- and open the query that shows updated replicated tables
   On Error Resume Next

   catLocal.Tables.Delete "tblBackEndReplicatedTables"

   On Error GoTo Error_ap_CheckReplicatedTables

   ap_CreateLinkedTableWithADO catLocal, "tblBackEndReplicatedTables", _
                "tblReplicatedTables", pstrBackEndPath & pstrBackEndName

   Set cmdUpdateRep = _

   rstCheckRep.Open "qryCheckBackEndReplication", _
      CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic

   '-- If a table has been updated, loop through

   Do Until rstCheckRep.EOF
      DoCmd.Echo True, "Replicating " & rstCheckRep!TableName & _
            ", Please wait..."

      '-- Delete the current local table,
      '-- and import the backend table
      On Error Resume Next
      strTableName = rstCheckRep!TableName

      catLocal.Tables.Delete strTableName

      On Error GoTo Error_ap_CheckReplicatedTables

      DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", _
         pstrBackEndPath & pstrBackEndName, acTable, _
         rstCheckRep!TableName, rstCheckRep!TableName


      cmdUpdateRep.Parameters("CurrReplicatedTable") = strTableName


   catLocal.Tables.Delete "tblBackEndReplicatedTables"

   DoCmd.Echo True

   '-- Clean up

   Exit Sub

   MsgBox Err.Description
   Resume 'Exit Sub

End Sub

First, the code needs to see whether any records in the tblReplicatedTables back-end table have more recent time stamps than those in the front-end version. The back-end table is linked to the front end as tblBackEndReplicatedTables. The first lines of code make sure that the link to compare the tables isn't already existing:

catLocal.Tables.Delete "tblBackEndReplicatedTables"

On Error GoTo Error_ap_CheckReplicatedTables

ap_CreateLinkedTableWithADO catLocal, "tblBackEndReplicatedTables", _
             "tblReplicatedTables", pstrBackEndPath & pstrBackEndName

Set cmdUpdateRep = _

rstCheckRep.Open "qryCheckBackEndReplication", _
   CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic

After deleting the table if it exists, the next code line calls the ap_CreateLinkedTableWithADO routine, which creates a single ADO linked table. This is convenient if you have to do this at one time or another in an application. Here's the code for ap_CreateLinkedTableWithADO:

Sub ap_CreateLinkedTableWithADO(catCurr As ADOX.Catalog, _
  strDestTableName As String, strSourceTableName As String, _
               strDataMDB As String)

   Dim tblCurr As New ADOX.Table

   tblCurr.Name = strDestTableName
   Set tblCurr.ParentCatalog = catCurr

   tblCurr.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource") = strDataMDB
   tblCurr.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link") = True
   tblCurr.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name") = strSourceTableName

   catCurr.Tables.Append tblCurr

End Sub

The code for ap_CheckReplicatedTables goes on to set a reference to the command object and to the qryUpdateLastReplication query:

Set cmdUpdateRep = _

The last code segments for ap_CheckReplicatedTables perform the following tasks for each table that needs to be replicated:

  • Delete the current local copy of the code table.

  • Copy the back-end copy into the front end.

  • Execute a query that updates the back-end tblReplicatedTables table with a timestamp.

And there you go. Hopefully, this will help you get going using ADO in your code.

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