How it works...

From step 2 to step 10, we created the main flow and all the connections that were required. Step 9 specifically might look different depending on whether you are connecting to an online or an on-premise instance. You can find your instance's discovery details in Dynamics 365 by navigating to Settings | Customization | Developer Resources.

In step 19, we created the Dynamics 365 destination task along with the mapping in step 20. The mapping can also be done on lookups. The custom field may be used to resolve the lookup references or, optionally, set items with different resolution options when an item does not exist (for example creating the missing items).

In step 23 through to step 28, we handled the error flow from the Dynamics 365 Account destination task to fill another CSV file with the error details as well as the data that failed. In our example, the error might state Found multiple records that match the Upsert matching criteria. It is good practice to handle errors within their own flow, especially with large volumes where you might have several phases to refine your package and rerun the failed records. The error flow may be redirected for a separate SQL data storage location.

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