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Calculated fields are a powerful addition; they can be used in many scenarios, some of which are:

  • Number calculations, (for accounting, weights, and so on)
  • Retrieving values from related entities
  • Constructing a string based on other attributes

The TechNet article ( covers calculated fields in a few examples. The article also covers some limitations of calculated fields. Among them are the following:

  • Calculated fields cannot trigger a plugin or workflows
  • Once a field is created as simple, you cannot convert it to a calculated field without deleting it; (something to consider when upgrading old versions)
  • A calculated field cannot reference itself, but it can reference another calculated field or rollup field (limit of five chained fields)
  • Values in the calculated formula can come from the current entity or a direct parent (no access to 1:N or N:N entities)
  • Up to 10 unique calculated fields can be used in saved queries, charts, and visualizations
  • You cannot define a maximum or minimum metadata property on a calculated field

At the time of writing, in addition to basic arithmetic operations, the Dynamics 365 supports the following built-in formulas with their respective return types:

Function syntax

Return type

ADDDAYS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

ADDHOURS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

ADDMONTHS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

ADDWEEKS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

ADDYEARS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

SUBTRACTDAYS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

SUBTRACTHOURS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

SUBTRACTMONTHS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

SUBTRACTWEEKS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

SUBTRACTYEARS (whole number, date and time)

Date and Time

DIFFINDAYS (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

DIFFINHOURS (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

DIFFINMINUTES (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

DIFFINMONTHS (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

DIFFINWEEKS (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

DIFFINYEARS (date and time, date and time)

Whole Number

CONCAT (single line of text, single line of text, ... single line of text)


TRIMLEFT (single line of text, whole number)


TRIMRIGHT (single line of text, whole number)


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