How it works...

In the first 5 steps, we built the Visual Studio solution that contains all the files required to deploy our Dynamics 365 package. In step 5 specifically, we ensured that the added ZIP and CSV files are copied to the output folder after compilation, otherwise, files would be omitted. In step 6, we edited the ImportConfig.xml file to contain all the directives that will help the solution deployer import the correct files with the correct mapping. Our version is a simplified starting point; all we are doing is importing one solution and one CSV file called AccountRecords.csv that contains account records. We did not even specify a mapping file, as the CSV file contains the default attribute names that will allow automatic mapping. Most of the tags and attributes from ImportConfig.xml are self-explanatory. Nonetheless, the complete documentation is available at

In step 7, we compiled the solution, and in step 8 and step 9, we copied the relevant outputs to the PackageDeployer folder. We then launched PackageDeployer and followed the prompts. In step 11, the Package Deployer automatically picked up the files and deployed them to the designated instance that we logged-in to.

You can only deploy one package at a time; however, if more than one package are available, you will be prompted to select which one you are after:

If you receive an error stating No import packages were found. Exiting the program..., chances are you did not copy the compiled DLL.

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