Chapter 15. Backup

It sounds trivial to say that you need to backup your images. But in reality, this message does not sink in with most users– sometimes not even with computer-savvy users. Contrary to popular belief, certain storage media, such as DVD, are not at all suitable for storing valuable image data. This chapter examines common backup methods and media for their suitability as a digital image archive. If you have several thousand images, even with a well maintained filing system you could easily lose track of your image collection. IPTC data help bring order to the deluge of pictures.


Saved Does Not Automatically Mean Safe
Backup to Hard Disk
Archiving on Removable Media
Image Management

Saved Does Not Automatically Mean Safe

Each file created on the computer is basically saved to the hard disk first. Now the file has been saved, but it is not safe. If a virus, a disk crash, a program error, or user error damages the file, it is gone. For scanned data, this may not be fatal, since the analog source is usually still available; but the time needed for rescanning can be considerable. In this case as well, backup is mandatory. Backup and management must be economical, simple, and effective. The more complicated the backup, the more likely it is to be neglected. Problems with backup can usually be traced to user error or infrequent use due to awkwardness.

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