Appendix A. Resources



On Patrick Wagner’s home page, you can find test reports for most current film scanners from his online shop. This is great for getting an overview of the current scanner market. In English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian.



Reviews of film scanners and software. Contains helpful tutorials about scanning whole archives. Unfortunately only for German speakers.


Depth of Field Calculator


This web page from Erik Krause contains several interesting tutorials for image processing, as well as a depth of field calculator. The site is for German and English speakers.



Website about various scanning techniques, with tutorials. This is great for beginners, but advanced users will not learn much.


SilverFast – The Official Guide


In this book, Taz Tally summarizes information that you can already get from SilverFast PDF documentation. Print quality and images are not up-to-date.


The Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers


This book by Scott Kelby guides you step-by-step through many different digital photography techniques without burdening you with any theory. It’s ideal for teaching yourself Photoshop (learning by doing). Kelby doesn’t go deep into the basics, but this is a good book for using Photoshop to turn your scan into pretty pictures.


Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers


This is heavy stuff (700 pages, $45), but Martin Evening provides a very deep and thorough introduction to Photoshop. It is not as easy to read as Scott Kelby’s book, but it teaches you not only what you have to do but also why you do it.



On this website you will find additional information about this book, provided by the author Sascha Steinhoff. Here he answers questions from readers and offers a huge download section with high resolution sample scans.

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