The first time an employee is formally appraised can be extremely important to both the individual and the organization. Take extra time to (1) explain the purpose and procedure, (2) go over the form in detail so that no misunderstandings remain, and (3) make sure the employee has an opportunity to ask questions and to feel at home with the procedure.

Introspective self-evaluation is the primary purpose of any appraisal program. It is not a tool to embarrass, intimidate, dispose of, annoy, or harass an employee, but rather to help the employee gauge his or her progress and future with the company. Geared to the needs of the employee, the system cannot fail; geared exclusively to the needs of the organization, it becomes suspect and loses its value.

Many appraisal systems seem overcomplicated with too much detail. Even so, try to work within the system by following the instructions carefully. Follow the necessary red tape without griping. The system depends on you to make it effective.

Sometimes you may be so enthusiastic over an outstanding appraisal that you either make or imply a promise that you cannot keep in a reasonable length of time. Nothing destroys morale more than a broken promise. Therefore you must protect everyone by making only clear statements that cannot be misinterpreted.

To fairly judge, measure, or evaluate the performance of another person is a sensitive, difficult process. Realizing that it is never easy to separate performance from personality, accept all available help to keep the procedure from backfiring and causing serious human problems. The suggestions presented will help you stay on the right track, but they cannot remove the responsibility of the ultimate rating decision from your shoulders. You are the only one close enough to the employee to have all the necessary facts and data, who can provide the quality counseling that must accompany the process, and who can translate the theory into reality.

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