Seven steps are involved in the preparation of a Plan B.

Step 1.
Revise and keep up-to-date a superior résumé.

Step 2.
Streamline and become more effective in your Plan A so that you will have more free time to design an excellent Plan B.

Step 3.
As difficult as it may seem, start learning more from your Plan A or present job. (This step sometimes requires an attitude turnaround.)

Step 4.
Verify your competencies to make sure you are up-to-date in your professional arena.

Step 5.
If necessary, return to college for additional training or engage in a do-it-yourself upgrading project.

Step 6.
Do some creative networking from your present position. Make it a major effort!

Step 7.
Use your Plan B to gain a promotion where you are (Plan A), or use it to win a better position outside. Include it in your résumé and refer to it during interviews.[1]

[1] See Be True to Your Future, by Elwood N. Chapman, published by Crisp Publications, Inc., 95 First Street, Los Altos, CA 94022.

As you can see, an effective Plan B is much more than something you devise in the back of your mind. Rather, it is a sophisticated strategy that usually takes a minimum of six months to complete. A Plan B is equally effective for both stabilizers and scramblers.

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