Now that you have completed the “Supervisor's Time-Waster Assessment Scale,” you may wish to log your time among various activities for a typical day. This approach (using the “Eight-Hour Day Inventory Analysis Chart” on the following this page) will help you compare the actual time you spend with the time you should spend.

Here are Frank's final comments: “Look, work is work. There is no way to make pure fun out of it. Certainly I want to enjoy my work as much as anyone, but I don't want it to drag on. I like to dispose of my work responsibilities with pride, vigor, and efficiency. My approach is to be professional, so when I get to work, I assume a 'let's get it done' attitude. I use my time in an orderly manner, and my employees pick up the tempo. Then sometimes we take a real break and relax. I learned a long time ago that the only way to enjoy a little fun time on the job is to control your time so well that there is some to spare. Then if feels good. There is no other answer. You have time working for you, not against you.”

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