Due to many factors, particularly the influence of personality, some people find it easier to concentrate than others. Some actually enjoy the process. Bill and Hazel provide us with an excellent example.

Bill and Hazel operate a successful quick-stop reproduction and printing operation. You seldom see Bill because he is in the back office, thinking through problems and planning ahead. His training as an engineer and computer programmer has given him unusual powers of concentration that fit his quiet personality. Hazel, on the other hand, works out front, doing a superior job with customers. She loves people and makes the most of her outgoing personality. Obviously, the division of work between Hazel and Bill is ideal. But last year, Bill had open heart surgery and Hazel found it necessary to take over his work in addition to doing her own. By the time Bill returned, things were a mess. “What did you expect?” said Hazel. “I can't deal effectively with demanding customers and concentrate at the same time.”

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