Stacking Palettes

You can stack palettes one on top of another, and if you then move the group of palettes (by dragging the bar at the top of the palette), the palettes that are stacked will move together. To stack two palettes, drag the name tab of one palette to the middle of another palette and then drag down until you see a black rectangle appear across the bottom of the palette you are dragging onto. You can drag to the top or bottom edge of a palette, depending on how you'd like the palettes to be stacked. I like to stack the Character and Paragraph palettes together so I can keep all the type settings in one convenient area (Figure 1.7). After you have two palettes stacked together, you can drag other palettes into the grouping so that the top palette might be a group of three and the bottom a single palette.

Figure 1.7. You can stack two palettes by dragging the name of one palette to the top or bottom of another.

If, after moving and regrouping your palettes, you find that a palette appears to be missing, don't panic. You can always find it in the Window menu. This menu lists all the palettes that are available (Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.8. The window menu.

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