The Theory of Dreams
By the 19th century, recognition of the
value of the inner world had arrived.
Sigmund Freud pioneered this, realizing
his patients were struggling with far
deeper problems not recognized by the
conscious mind. The mystery of
precognitive dreams coming from the
same realms had yet to be revealed
until his colleague, Carl Jung,
conceived his theory of the collective
unconscious—the concept that we are
all connected with all things.
Glimpses into the future
It is widely believed that nearly half the
population of the world has clairvoyant
dreams—not of the dramatic kind listed on the
next page, but day-to-day glimpses into the
future. They can be tantalizing snippets or
bewilderingly accurate pictures. Relevant to
every single one is that they are always ahead
of time.
It is public knowledge that governments
worldwide have used people gifted with ESP
to view remotely—an ability to acquire
information about a distant place—for military
purposes. So we might reasonably ask the
question: Is there really any dierence between
ocially accepted remote viewing (as it is
called) and clairvoyant dreaming?
Quantum physics
Now quantum physics has paved the way to
understanding the impossible. It is pointing to
the likelihood that precognitive material is a
valid phenomenon, for time—as we’ve known
it—now appears meaningless at the subatomic
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Precognitive Dreams
level. In our sleep state, we can
trace old friends on the other side of
the world, have a chat, embrace, and be back
home for breakfast.
Clairvoyant dreamers
Clairvoyants—men and women with extra
sensory perception (ESP)—and precognitive
dreamers all seem to have one thing in
common: somehow, they tap into a timeless
zone where the past, present, and future are
one. Here are just a few examples:
Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his death just
before his assassination.
Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity came to
him in a dream.
Beatles musician Paul McCartney
composed “Yesterday” after hearing the
melody in a dream.
Golfer Jack Nicklaus dreamed of a new way
to hold his golf club for victory.
Novelist Robert Louis Stevenson rst saw Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in a dream before writing
his famous book.
UK research scientist and television presenter
Dr. Christopher Evans once told Rebecca: “If
you can bring proof of a clairvoyant dream, I
will believe you.” Hearing the mail carrier
arrive a few weeks later in December, she
alerted her husband: “I’ve just dreamed
Peggie has sent an airmail from the States
—something to do with an Egyptian mummy
and clothing in blue-green. Please note this
before I go downstairs and open the
envelope, if it’s there.” He did. She then
opened Peggie’s letter, which asked her to
buy a robe in blue-green for “Mummy’s
Christmas present.” Rebecca called Dr. Evans
and arranged to meet, but he politely refused
to accept the sequence of her story. He
insisted that she’d already read the letter,
imagining later that she’d dreamed the letter
contents before she opened it.
So most scientists continue to hold their
stance, while psychics hold theirs—a deadlock
between the two, it seems. But there is hope.
As eminent American cell biologist Dr. Bruce
Lipton says in his best-selling book The
Biology of Belief: “I truly believe that only when
Spirit and Science are reunited will we be
aorded the means to create a better world.
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