Water is found all over the earth. It
visually manifests in beautiful rivers,
oceans, streams, lakes, and solid ice.
It keeps us alive—and yet it can be
the cause of our death should we
either have too much or too little
of it. Small wonder dreams show us
water in all its power.
Someone has told you some newborn animals
are going to be drowned. You’re assured it’s the
kindest way to get rid of them because nobody
will want to care for them. You are sad at the
thought and want to save those little creatures,
defenseless as they are.
Action These helpless newborn animals are
metaphors for some part of you that feels
unwanted. A subpersonality identies with
them being powerless to resist their fate, as
your dreaming self believes them to be. Notice
you don’t actually see them being drowned—
you only gather that this is planned. So address
your phobia that you’re not wanted: you need
to check out what the situation is in reality. Try
some straight talk—ask your employer, partner,
or friend how they feel about your relationship.
If for any reason their answer implies it’s time
to move on, be thankful your dream nudged
you to dispel the impasse.
Against a backdrop rather like a watery grave,
there’s no actual storyline to this dream. Its
impact comes with a depressive quality lurking
in the depths—you’re somehow all alone
underwater. There’s a sense of nearly
drowning in it, yet in the dream you know
this is not the end.
Action Depression presents in all shades of
gray, and the dream shows simply how you
see yourself today. If that view goes on too
long, contact your doctor to discuss if
medication is the best way forward. If your
state of mind would seem better addressed
by therapy or counseling, make an
appointment to get started.
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You have fallen into a pool of water and are
struggling to rise to the surface. It’s icy cold and,
terried, you thrash around, desperate to get air
forgetting the way up will be to hold your arms
above you. Panic makes you forget the rules.
The feeling is that you will never come out alive.
Action Have you been overwhelmed by some
emotional problem? Water and emotions link
in dream interpretation, and when they are
super-powerful, you could feel as if you’re
drowning, unable to act sensibly, as in the
dream. Try to calm yourself with deep
breathing techniques, then decode the
message here. Examine the obvious trigger
and determine what you can do to alleviate the
panic. Take a tip from the dream’s action and
raise yourself to the surface to draw breath.
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