The idea of dead bodies may not be a
comfortable one, but as we are born,
so must we die. Death can be the
beginning of new life, much as a
newborn baby faces transformation
from one state to another. Dreams,
therefore, will often gure within this
concept of change.
Someone has died, and you nd yourself
digging a deep hole. There is a dead body to
be buried, and you are responsible for hauling
it into the muddy cavity and covering it with
earth. It’s an unpleasant, lonely task yet you
set about it willingly, as if you somehow
know this is the right thing to do.
Action In Jungian terms, burying the corpse
has signicance: it means your inner Hero—
the part of your personality compelled to
rush in to the rescue—has had his day. He’s
exhausted, and it is high time now to “kill him
o” in order to lead a less driven life. Be
grateful for your psyche’s hint and learn
to stop rescuing everyone.
A battle has been waged and the scene is
strewn with bloody victims. Dead bodies are
everywhere and you have no idea who they
are. Then suddenly, one body is clearly
someone you recognize. It is that of your
beloved partner or friend. What does this
dream death mean to you?
Action Whether a precognitive metaphor for
the death of a close connection with a
particular person or your own sense that
a relationship is doomed and coming to a
natural conclusion, it certainly indicates the
end. A dead person, once vital and rigorously
alive, is no more. Accept the relationship
death, mark the grave, and move on.
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Dead Bodies
Months before her vicar husband was
diagnosed with a motor neuron disease, Anne
had a vivid dream: she watched him peel o a
painted carapace, representing a normal
clothed person. Underneath was his own
lifeless body, which he draped over the back
of a chair. It was without muscle, structureless.
Anne recorded the dream but got nowhere in
decoding it. After Isaac’s diagnosis, he steadily
lost control over his muscles. On the day of his
death, she glimpsed him looking like the man
in her dream.
She discovered a secret diary Isaac had
written over the previous 30 years.
Throughout, he described extramarital aairs,
about which Anne knew nothing. He’d called
himself psychologically “unmuscled,” “weak,
and “paralyzed.
Those revelations changed her life. Isaac
had always made her feel to blame for their
unhappiness. Incapable of an honest, loving
relationship, he revealed a mental disorder
never diagnosed.
Anne nally understood the cause of their
suering. The explicit imagery in that timely
precognitive dream now helped her come to
terms with her anger and grief.
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