There’s something seductive about
sinking into a warm ocean—it’s like a
continuation of the safe connes of
the womb, or luxuriating in the
pleasure of a hot bath. But the ocean
has even greater charm, perhaps
because of its vastness; there’s more
freedom to move. It’s a familiar
setting for dreams.
You dream of stripping o your clothes and
running to the water’s edge. Another person has
had the same thought, and together you meet
and swim in a gloriously warm ocean. Skin-to-
skin contact follows, though there is nothing
sexual about it—just two people rejoicing in the
freedom of this wonderful day. You feel
entirely comfortable; it’s like being with an
old and loved friend.
Action This is about reconnecting with a loved
one. Here, the second bather is your animus or
your anima (depending on your own gender)—
the other half that makes you whole. Water
represents our emotional life, so this is a
positive dream in a beautiful, warm setting.
You have reunited with the missing
part of yourself!
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It’s a warm, sultry night, and in the dream
you’re oating on your back in the ocean
looking up at the stars. Friends are splashing
around nearby, not looking up at the stars—
they are having too much fun to notice them.
While the scene is perfect, something is
lacking for you to feel happy. Someone then
swims up to you, and you make sensual love
in the warm ocean. Now you lack for nothing.
Action A wishful scenario that’s healthy and
right: you seem to have been feeling outside
the mainstream of activity in your life (note
looking upward rather than toward your
friends), and the isolation has its pathos. Think
of planning a vacation if you can—somewhere
to enjoy the warm ocean—and the rest will
take care of itself. If that’s not possible, turn
toward your friends anyway and somehow
make yourself slightly less of an outsider.
Children are paddling in the shallow waters,
and you notice one or two venturing too far out
for safety. The warmth of the seawater keeps
them happily immersed for hours—but as an
onlooker, you begin to worry about them.
Somehow there are fewer children than you
rst noticed. Where have they gone? Are they
in danger? Have they drowned? You panic and
wake up tense with fear.
Action Do you tend to feel overly concerned
for others, when they should be looking after
their own responsibilities? That increasing
worry in the dream suggests you need to
check your anxieties about general issues
in your own life; you’ve projected those
anxieties onto unknown children. Identify
yourself as one of them—a young part of
you that always felt helpless to stop bad
things from happening.
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