Reptiles, whether venomous or
harmless, seldom rank as cuddly pets.
They appear in our dreams as ancient
messengers. Consider the snake’s
biblical role and its presence on the
Rod of Asclepius, a symbol of medicine
and healing. Reptiles can kill—or cure.
You are walking down a lonely road, happy to
be in the fresh air. You hear a rustle in the
nearby bushes, imagining it to be a bird
looking for worms. The rustling turns into a
loud noise—horrifyingly, an alligator has
jumped out and stares at you. It’s clearly out
of its comfort zone. You feel sorry for it.
Action Does this dream mirror your own
emotions? Are you perhaps feeling
inappropriately conned in a situation not
conducive to a more natural existence? If
it’s not possible to make changes
immediately, use this vivid dream to help
you wait for and identify the right time to
make your move.
A giant monitor lizard is crashing his way along a
path. His long, forked tongue is ickering
menacingly as you watch him smell and locate
his small prey. You are relieved to be o his path,
so it’s unlikely there will be a confrontation with
the beast. But there’s something uncomfortable
about observing this big lizard.
Action The phrase “speaks with forked tongue”
carries the implication of hypocrisy or
deception. Are you are guilty of occasionally
saying one thing but meaning another—if only
to avoid hurting feelings? This sometimes
seems justiable, but it’s not authentic.
Consider the wisdom of gently speaking the
truth, then there’s no hidden agenda.
US_182-183_Reptiles.indd 182 04/06/2019 11:16
You watch, horried, as a huge snake slithers its
way toward you. You’re paralyzed with fear and
loathing, but it seems to settle quietly
somewhere in the room. No longer feeling in
immediate danger, you turn your back. You then
realize the snake has coiled up behind you, as if
supporting or protecting you in some way. You
feel its love and are no longer afraid.
Action Your reptilian visitor has a message for
you: he or she has shapeshifted from the
archetypal wise old woman or man, wishing to
convey their loving message. This is to show
what you fear most—represented by a snake—
is not only harmless, but taking care of you.
Consider their wisdom and face your fears.
US_182-183_Reptiles.indd 183 17/09/2019 16:03
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