
Bold numbers indicate definitions of terms.

Symbols and Numbers

_ (underscore), in Ruby, 437

; (semicolon), as a separator, 316, 320, 336

: (colon), in Ruby, 78, 439, 443–444

? (question mark

implementing, 258

in lexers, 234

in Recursive Descent Parser, 247

/ (ordered alternative operator), 233

in Recursive Descent Parser, 246

// (comments), 42, 63

. (period), in method calls, 374

.. (range operator), 232

^ operator, in Regex Table Lexer, 240

~ (up-to operator), in ANTLR, 232

'...' (single quotes), 321

"..." (double quotes)

in lexers, 320–322

in XML, 101

removing, 428, 438–444

using for Alternative Tokenization, 101

{:...:} delimiters, 321, 328

{...} delimiters

in C#, 408

in DSLs, 42

in Javascript, 322

in lexers, 322

in Ruby, 401, 408

{{...}} delimiters (Java), 395

@ (at), in Java, 446

* (asterisk)

in ANTLR, 302

in Recursive Descent Parser, 247

in Ruby, 421

Kleene, 293

&& operator (C#), 461

# (hash mark)

in comments, 63

in template commands, 544

+ (plus sign)

actions for, 259–260

as multiplicity marker, 235

in Parser Combinator, 258

in Recursive Descent Parser, 247

<...> (angle brackets), in XML, 101

-> operator (ANTLR), 283, 287

| (alternative operator)

actions for, 259

implementing, 257

in C, 257

in lexers, 233–234

in Recursive Descent Parser, 246


Access. See Microsoft Access

actions, 236–238, 513–526

binding, 529

embedding, 270–271

in Parser Combinator, 259–260, 268

in Tree Construction, 292–297

invocations for, 260

keeping small, 126

Active Record (Ruby), 428, 430, 434

Adaptive Model, 18, 81–82, 115–116, 161, 256, 402, 487–493

debugging, 115, 492

disadvantages of, 115, 492

embedding imperative code into, 489

using with:

Closure, 401

Production Rule System, 492

State Machine, 529

visualizing, 491

agenda, 514–515, 524–525

Algol, 229

alternative computational model, 18, 113–120, 487–493, 505–530

See also Adaptive Model, Dependency

Network, Production Rule System, Static Machine

Alternative Tokenization, 94, 222–223, 319–326, 340

quotes in, 101

using with:

Foreign Code, 101, 309, 317, 326

Syntax-Directed Translation, 326

alternatives, 230, 234–236

implementing, 246

ordered, 233–234, 246

unordered, 233–234

with recursion, 235

Annotation, 32, 84–85, 445–454

custom syntax for, 449

defining, 446–447, 449

in Ruby, 446, 451–454

parameters in, 446

processing, 447–451

using with Semantic Model, 447

validation, 448–454

Ant, 36, 108, 110, 119, 157, 508

syntactic analyzer in, 274–276

ANTLR, 92, 97–99, 102, 141, 152, 230, 241, 270–280

AST in, 283

calculator in, 306–307

Dependency Network in, 168–170

grammar files in, 549–552

“Hello World” in, 272–280

lexer in, 222

negation operator in, 326

nested tokens in, 318

Notifications in, 195–198

parsing in, 286–288

recognition exceptions in, 196–197

reporting errors in, 274, 277

return types and variables in, 237

rules in, 237

superclasses in, 552

syntactic analyzer in, 274–276

tokens in, 236, 274, 285–286

top-level rule in, 330

up-to operator in, 232

using with Foreign Code, 316

ANTLRWorks, 270, 274

Applescript, 42

ASCII, 429

ASP (Active Server Pages), 125, 540

associative arrays. See Literal Map

AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), 226, 281–297

creating in ANTLR, 283

See also syntax tree

attributes, 84

autocompletion, 22, 107, 358, 363, 382–384, 467, 469, 521

Automake, 157

automata theory, 221

Awk, 28


backward chaining, 515

Behavior Verification, 149

Bell, 29

blinkered abstraction problem, 39

blocks. See Closure

BNF (Backus-Naur Form), 79, 90–92, 220, 229–238

code actions in, 283

using with:

Embedded Translation, 301

Parser Generator, 270

vs. EBNF, 99, 232, 234–236

vs. Parser Combinator, 261

browsers, 448

Buck, Jamis, 434

build process, 574


C language, 21, 148

function pointers in, 82

generating, 46

from Java, 535–538, 541–546

literal arrays in, 78, 417

macros in, 184–186

pointer arithmetic in, 558

standard library of, 565

C preprocessor

macros in, 53

template commands in, 544

C# language

annotations in, 446

anonymous delegates in, 399–400

autocompletion in, 521

conditions in, 457–466

configuration files in, 12

Decision Table in, 497–503

explicit class methods in, 351

extension methods in, 481

hashmaps in, 167–168

implicit conversion operator in, 376

in Dependency Network, 508–512

lambdas in, 81–82, 456, 460, 519, 521

Literal Extension in, 483–484

Nested Closure in, 408–409

Notifications in, 194–195

object initializers in, 365

parse tree in, 456

Parse Tree Manipulation in, 83, 191, 456

parsers in, 519, 525–526

partial classes in, 126, 573

periods at the start of the line in, 374

progressive interfaces in, 382–384

property syntax in, 381–382

recurring events in, 366

SQL queries in, 83

static checking in, 122, 521

static methods in, 369, 371

statically typed symbols in, 128

string arguments in, 521

using for Context Variables, 176–178

validations in, 517–521

varargs function calls in, 77

C++ language

macros in, 184, 188

parsing, 226–227

templates in, 53

calculator, 306–307, 327–331

calendar, 345–347

multiple builders for, 348–350

callouts, 539–546

CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) tools, 141–142

CFG (Context-Free Grammar), 233


methods. See Method Chaining

rules, 117

Chomsky hierarchy, 96–97

Chomsky, Noam, 96

Class Symbol Table, 88, 107, 168, 173, 467–475, 511

in Java, 469

statically typed, 469–475

using with:

Dependency Network, 509

Expression Builder, 467–468

Semantic Model, 468


collaborating, 573

generating from a data schema, 573–577

initializing fields of, 471–472

naming, 471, 572

open (Ruby), 481, 573

partial (C#), 573

private, 445

public, 445

serializing, 445

using fields as a symbol table, 475

Closure, 80–82, 150, 188, 359, 397–402, 489

in C#, 81–82, 456, 460, 519, 521

in Lisp, 82, 397

in Ruby, 81–82, 397, 401

in Smalltalk, 82, 397

multiple, 401

nested. See Nested Closure

using with:

Adaptive Model, 401

Foreign Code, 491

COBOL, 21, 23, 34, 39

code actions. See actions

code coloring. See syntax highlighting

code generation, 19–21, 46–47, 92, 121–128

advantages of, 21, 567

and handwritten code:

intermixing with, 448

separating from, 126–127, 535, 571–577

and Semantic Model, 21, 128, 130, 162, 533–538

by Embedment Helper, 548, 552–554

dynamic, 452–454

for static languages, 100, 566

keeping in separate files, 573

preparsing, 128

readability of, 127–128, 545, 563, 566

reasons for, 121–122

styles of, 21

target audience of, 558

target environments for, 121

Collecting Parameter, 194

collections, 540

combinatorial explosion, 235

combinators, 256

functional style of, 260 See also Parser Combinator

Command, 489

command objects, 82

command-query APIs, 16, 29, 69, 343–350

bad, 38

documenting classes in, 29

naming methods in, 70

vs. DSLs, 37

vs. fluent interfaces, 70, 72

command-query separation, 70, 374


generating, 538

in C, 234

in DSLs, 42, 63

in lexers, 222–223, 241, 335

in Parser Generator, 274

compilation, 19

type checking during, 469

compiled languages, 448

composed regex, 209

Composite, 256, 344

computational models

alternative. See alternative computational model

declarative, 12, 36, 150

imperative, 36, 113–114, 487

conditionals, 113, 405, 513–526

nested, 122, 541–546, 568–570

overlapping, 529

configuration files, 30–31

Construction Builder, 51, 176, 179–181, 348, 353, 378

adding lifecycle controls to, 180

full delegation in, 381

grouping, 180

uses of, 180

using with Semantic Model, 353–354

context, 540

Context Variable, 49, 52, 73–74, 76, 175–178, 237, 271, 317, 351–353, 361, 369, 371, 376–379, 381, 433

and debugging, 176

and parsing, 300

using with:

Function Sequence, 351–355, 358

Nested Closure, 404–405

Nested Function, 359

Parse Tree Manipulation, 466

control flow operators, 245

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 150–151

specifying colors in, 53, 184–185

using macros with, 53, 184–185

CSV (comma-separated values), 496, 574

Custom Assertion, 56


DAG (directed acyclic graph), 505

Data Mapper, 160

data schemas, 573–577

databases, 115

accessing, 573

desktop tools for, 136

mapping, 448

Davidson, James Duncan, 110

debugging, 31, 62, 115, 429

and code readability, 566

and line numbers, 375

and mistaken expansions, 186

diagnostics for, 563

of Production Rule System, 517

trace statements for, 126

using comments for, 274

with Adaptive Model, 492

with Context Variables, 176

with Macros, 185, 192

with pointer arithmetic, 558

Decision Table, 114–118, 156, 495–503

in C#, 497–503

parsing, 496, 502–503

using with:

Delimiter-Directed Translation, 502

Semantic Model, 496–502

vs. Production Rule System, 497

deferred evaluation, 80–81, 189

delimiter characters, 90, 201, 321

Delimiter-Directed Translation, 91, 97, 107, 177, 201–218, 222, 565

syntactic indentation in, 339

using with:

complex languages, 204

Decision Table, 502

Newline Separators, 333

regular expressions, 90, 202, 209, 214

vs. Embedded Interpretation, 202

vs. Embedded Translation, 202

vs. Syntax-Directed Translation, 92, 106, 204–205, 227

vs. Tree Construction, 202, 286

Dependency Network, 18, 36, 108–109, 119, 156–158, 505–512

in C#, 508–512

in external DSLs, 168–170

invoking vs. executing tasks in, 507

missed prerequisites in, 507

parsing, 511–512

product-oriented vs. task-oriented, 506–508

targets in, 506

unnecessary builds in, 507

using with:

Class Symbol Table, 509

Object Scoping, 509, 511

Semantic Model, 509–511

Design by Contract, 135


and State Machine, 136

describing in a textual format, 154

in projectional editors, 136, 141

dictionaries. See Literal Map

do...end delimiters (Ruby), 401, 406, 408

doesNotUnderstand method (Smalltalk), 428

DOM (Document Object Model), 48, 93, 101–102

domain experts, 34–35, 108, 116, 479, 496–497

domain languages, 32

Domain Model, 5, 17, 160

vs. Semantic Model, 44, 134, 160

Domain-Driven Design principle, 5

DOT, 24, 148

DSL processor, 121

DSL scripts

executing, 472

self-contained, 386, 415

DSLs (Domain-Specific Languages)

advantages of, 18

boundaries of, 29–32, 109

building cost of, 106–107

changeability of, 21

clarity of, 33

comments in, 42, 63

common conventions in, 42

composing, 111

compositional, 161

computational, 161

custom syntax of, 13, 15–16, 28

defining, 27–32

embedded. See internal DSLs

embedding languages in. See Foreign Code

extending, 100

external. See external DSLs

fluency of, 103, 106

fragmentary, 32, 84, 387, 392, 415

IDE for. See language workbenches

implementing, 40–41, 43–66

internal. See internal DSLs

layering on top of another, 111, 151

learning cost of, 37

limitations of, 28, 151, 309, 339

limited expressiveness of, 13, 27–30, 33, 110, 121

maintenance cost of, 37–38

migrating, 64–66

problems with, 36

processing, 39–40, 43–47

readability of, 310–311, 360, 363, 469, 471

semantic model of, 29

semantic predicates for, 227

stand-alone, 32, 84, 392

syntactic structure of, 269–280

uses of, 33–36

vs. forms, 35, 102

vs. general-purpose languages, 28, 30, 42

vs. property lists, 101

wrapping third-party libraries with, 33, 38

DTD (Document Type Definition), 102

DTO, 574

Dynamic Reception, 86–87, 427–444

limitations of, 429

using with:

Method Chaining, 428

Nested Closure, 415, 442

Object Scoping, 428

Textual Polishing, 428

dynamically typed languages

and external DSLs, 110

evaluate text at runtime in, 477

Foreign Code in, 100

Literal Maps in, 419

overriding unknown methods in, 428

runtime errors in, 427


EBNF (extended BNF), 229–238

intermediate rules in, 235

vs. BNF, 99, 232, 234–236

Eclipse, 141

Egge, Brian, 39

Emacs, 102

email messages, 377, 382–384

filtering, 514

searching, 457–466

embedded DSLs. See internal DSLs

Embedded Interpretation, 93, 226, 236–237, 305–307, 331

and Parser Generator, 271

using with Nested Operator Expression, 328

vs. Delimiter-Directed Translation, 202

vs. Syntax-Directed Translation, 276

Embedded Translation, 93, 101, 148, 168, 196, 226, 236–237, 261, 284, 299–304, 549

actions in, 259

advantages of, 300

and Parser Generator, 271

disadvantages of, 300

in Recursive Descent Parser, 248

populating Semantic Model with, 284

using with:

BNF, 301

Embedment Helper, 301

Foreign Code, 299–301, 315

vs. Delimiter-Directed Translation, 202

vs. Syntax-Directed Translation, 276–278

vs. Tree Construction, 93, 284, 300

Embedment Helper, 126, 148, 169, 195, 238, 277, 316, 547–554

advantages of, 549

generating code with, 548, 552–554

naming for, 551

using with:

ANTLR, 276, 280, 294

Embedded Translation, 301

Foreign Code, 310, 312, 315, 547–549

Parser Generator, 271, 551

Templated Generation, 125, 540, 544, 548

encapsulation, 563

end-of-statement rule, 334


for Literal Map keys, 419

for statically typed symbols, 172–174, 469

error handling, 59–64, 151

cost of, 63

semantic, 63–64

special methods for, 428

syntactic, 63

error messages, 62


collecting, 193–198

compilation, 427

reporting in ANTLR, 277–278–280, 286

runtime, 427

escaping mechanism, 321

Escher, M. C., 131, 135

Evans, Eric, 67

Excel. See Microsoft Excel

exceptions, 194

Execute-Around Method, 188

expectations, 149–150

Expression Builder, 45, 71–73, 81, 107, 149, 171–172, 180, 343–350, 351, 370, 373, 375, 377, 382–383, 386–387, 406, 411, 428, 468, 472, 481–482

composite, 344

multiple, 344, 348–350, 409–411

separating from Semantic Model, 71, 344

testing, 344

using with:

Class Symbol Table, 467–468

Literal Extension, 481–482

Method Chaining, 344

Nested Function, 344

vs. parsers, 71

external DSLs, 15, 28–29, 89–103

boundaries of, 30–31

changing, 64

comments in, 63

composing, 111

Dependency Network in, 168–170

disadvantages of, 22

embedding in a method name, 428

flexibility of, 245

fragmentary, 32, 429

learning cost of, 105–106

limitations of, 109

parsing, 45–47, 89–92, 110

runtime configuration of, 110

Symbol Table in, 168

Textual Polishing in, 478

vs. internal DSLs, 45–47, 89, 105–112, 478


fail fast principle, 60, 456

filtering, 397–402

finishing problem, 375–376

finite-state machine, 96

FIT (Framework for Integrated Test), 31, 155–156

Fitnesse, 155

Flex, 322

fluent interfaces, 16, 30, 67–70, 107, 343–350

naming methods in, 70, 482

vs. command-query APIs, 70, 72

Ford, Neal, 75, 375, 481, 483

Foreign Code, 100–101, 109, 111, 195, 226, 236, 270, 309–318, 320, 340, 540

advantages of, 311

and Semantic Model, 310–315, 318

compiled, 310

interpreted, 310

parser for, 315–318

using with:

Alternative Tokenization, 101, 309, 317, 326

ANTLR, 316

Closure, 491

dynamic languages, 100

Embedded Translation, 299–301, 315

Embedment Helper, 310, 312, 315, 547–549

Parser Generator, 270–271

Repository, 316

Syntax-Directed Translation, 126


embedding Javascript in, 520

submitting, 449

validation, 448–449

vs. DSLs, 35, 102

forward chaining, 515, 521, 523–524

forward references, 302

full delegation, 381

function pointers, 82

Function Sequence, 49, 68–69, 72–76, 79–80, 150, 170, 351–355, 359, 376, 385–386, 411

evaluation order of, 357, 359

using with:

Context Variable, 351–355, 358

Method Chaining, 352

Nested Closure, 352, 394, 404–407, 411–412

Nested Function, 352

Object Scoping, 352–353

Production Rule System, 523, 526

vs. Literal List, 352

functional programming, 163

functions, 72–77

anonymous. See Closure

child expressions of, 403–415

combining, 72

global, 73, 351, 385, 387

helper, 148, 248, 253

keyword arguments in, 419

varargs parameters in, 77, 358, 361, 417–419, 421

vs. Macros, 185–186

See also methods


general-purpose languages, 27

code generation with, 92

learning cost of, 37

using as DSLs. See internal DSLs

vs. DSLs, 28, 30, 42

generated code. See code generation

Generation Gap, 127, 278, 571–577

using with ANTLR, 278–280

gensyms, 190

ghetto language problem, 38–39

Gimp, 15

global functions. See functions, global

global state, 385

GLR parser, 99

grammar files, 126, 269–280

putting code actions into, 547

grammars, 16, 29, 49–50, 79–80, 90, 95–96, 219–220, 227, 229–238

and parse tree, 135

changing, 99

context-free, 97–98

context-sensitive, 97

modular, 339–340

regular, 96–97, 529

vs. schema definition languages, 135

Grant. See secret panel controller

graphs, 147–148

Graphviz, 24–25, 147–148, 491

error messages in, 62

Greenspun form, 422–425

GUI design, 139


handwritten code, 21

intermixing, 448

separating from generated code, 126–127, 535, 571–577

hashmaps. See Literal Map

Hibernate. See HQL

hierarchic context, 302

hierarchic structure, 376

HQL (Hibernate Query Language), 28, 151–152, 325

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 552


IDE (Integrated Development Environment) advantages of, 107

build process in, 574

compile-time type checking in, 469

for DSLs. See language workbenches

refactoring capabilities of, 572

representations in, 138–139

support of, 122, 377, 382, 466, 469

type-aware autocompletion in, 467, 469

illustrative programming, 24, 130, 138–140

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), 457, 466–466

immutable objects, 179

incremental migration, 65

inference engine, 514

informational messages, 194

inheritance, 386, 571–577

INI files, 101

using for Context Variables, 176–178

inline nesting, 80

input token buffer, 248, 257–258, 260, 264–265

instance_eval method (Ruby), 386, 392–394, 405, 407, 412–415, 420, 422, 440, 442, 479

instance initializers, 150, 172, 386, 394–395

integration tests, 62

Intentional Software, 136, 140

Intentional Workbench, 136, 140


command-query. See command-query APIs

fluent. See fluent interfaces

marker, 447

operational, 161

population, 161

progressive, 149, 377, 382–384, 519

published, 64

internal DSLs, 15, 28–29, 67–88, 344

boundaries of, 29–30

changing, 64

Closures in, 80, 491

composing, 111

fragmentary, 32

learning cost of, 105–106

Macros in, 184

making little parse trees in, 438

mixing in host languages, 108–109

naming methods in, 30

parsing, 45–47

readability of, 377, 477

Symbol Table in, 168, 170–171

vs. external DSLs, 45–47, 89, 105–112, 478

interpretation, 19

invalid input tests, 59–61


jargon, 31


actions in, 260

annotations in, 84, 445–446, 449

as a DSL, 15

building languages in, 157

built-in date and time classes in, 346

Class Symbol Table in, 469

configuration files in, 12

Dependency Network in, 168–170

generated and handwritten code in, 126


C, 535–538, 541–546

classes from a data schema, 573–577

hashmaps in, 167–168

“Hello World” in, 272–280

instance initialization in, 150, 172, 386, 394–395

mapping classes to SQL queries in, 151–152

periods at the start of the line in, 374

setter methods in, 374

static import in, 73, 352, 360, 371, 378

statically typed symbols in, 128

varargs function calls in, 77

Java CUP, 321, 323–324, 328

Javascript, 21, 100, 317

curly brackets in, 322

embedding in forms, 520

integrating with Java, 312, 314

validation with, 448

JetBrains, 140

JMock, 149–150, 394

Johnson, Ralph, 115

JRuby, 21, 46, 438–444

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 103

JSP (JavaServer Pages), 125, 540


keywords, 75

and method naming, 480

date-oriented vs. string-oriented, 461

in lexers, 223, 320, 323

Kleene operators, 231–232, 293


LALR parser, 99

lambdas. See Closure

language cacophony problem, 37

language workbenches, 22–24, 28–29, 112, 129–143, 469

bootstrapped, 135, 140

boundaries of, 31

editing systems for, 136–138

using with Semantic Model, 142

lay programmers, 138

Lex, 148, 204, 241

lexers, 148, 204, 221–223, 230, 232–233, 239–244

comments in, 222–223, 241, 335

generating, 220, 223, 275

implementing, 239

keywords in, 223, 320, 323

missing rules for some tokens in, 274

operators in, 223

preprocessing text for, 339, 478

quoting in, 320–322

regular expressions in, 221, 223

separating from syntactic analysis, 94–95

separators in, 320, 324–325, 333–336

states of, 322–324

vs. parsers, 319

whitespace in, 222–223, 241, 286, 319, 325

See also Regex Table Lexer

lexical state, 322–324

line continuation characters, 202, 208

line ending characters, 90, 202, 231, 286

Linq, 83–84, 457

Lisp, 14, 28, 67

duality of code and data in, 488

lambdas in, 82, 397

Literal Lists in, 78, 417–418

Macros in, 53, 82–83, 184, 188–191, 456

Nested Functions in, 75

Parse Tree Manipulation in, 83, 191, 456

symbols in, 166

tagging function names with data in, 447

list operator

actions for, 259–260

implementing, 258, 267–268

in ANTLR, 302


combinators for, 258, 267–268

optional, 258, 267

literal arrays, 417

literal collections, 77–79

Literal Extension, 85, 375, 481–484

in C#, 483–484

using with Expression Builder, 481–482

Literal List, 77, 79–80, 390, 417–418, 420, 422–423

in Lisp, 78

in Ruby, 77–78, 417, 420–422

nested, 424

using with:

Literal Map, 419, 422–425

Nested Function, 358, 417

varargs function calls in, 417, 419

vs. Function Sequence, 352

Literal Map, 75, 77–80, 170, 366, 419–425

arguments of, 359

in Ruby, 419–422

keys for, 419, 421

using with:

Literal List, 419, 422–425

Nested Function, 358

Symbol Table, 167–168

LL parsers. See parsers, top-down

loader class, 288

loops, 113

LR parsers. See parsers, bottom-up


M language, 141

m4 macro processor, 184

machine states, 528

Macro, 52–53–53, 151, 183–192

nesting, 186, 192

parameters in, 185

syntactic, 53, 184, 186, 188–192

textual, 52, 184–188, 192, 478

vs. functions, 185–186

Make, 36, 108, 119, 156–158, 508


multiple, 167

nested, 123

single, 166

MathCAD, 21

Maven, 157

MetaCase, 140

MetaEdit, 22, 31, 140–141

meta-models, 131

Meta-Programming System Language Workbench, 31

Method Chaining, 48, 68–70, 72–76, 78–80, 85, 149–150, 370, 373–384, 409, 420, 465–466

and hierarchic structure, 376

end methods in, 479

evaluation order of, 357–359

finishing problem in, 375–376, 380

mandatory elements in, 377

readability of, 381

using with:

Dynamic Reception, 428

Expression Builder, 344

Function Sequence, 352

Nested Closure, 404–405, 409–411

Nested Function, 366, 369

Production Rule System, 523, 526

vs. Nested Function, 381

method_missing method (Ruby), 428, 433–434

Method Object, 209

methods, 72

adding to program literals, 481–484

automatic delegation to another object, 428

chaining. See Method Chaining

class, 446–447, 451–452

context validity of, 377

extension (C#), 481

for testing, 445, 447–448

formatting, 374

global, 85

naming, 30, 70, 137, 374, 428–434, 437, 447, 473, 480, 548

overriding missing. See Dynamic Reception

private, 127, 445

protected, 127

public, 445

setter, 374, 449

static, 369, 371, 387

unknown, overriding, 427–444

validation, 577

vs. parameters, 370

See also functions

Meyer, Bertrand, 69

Microsoft Access, 31, 136

Microsoft Excel, 15, 25, 31, 497

Microsoft Office, 140

mistaken expansions, 185, 192

Mock Object, 32, 149

Model Ignorant Generation, 122–125, 127, 541, 567–570

vs. Model-Aware Generation, 122–124, 556, 568

model-assisted source editing, 137

Model-Aware Generation, 122–124, 142, 535, 555–566

using with:

Semantic Model, 555–566

Transformer Generation, 535–538

vs. Model Ignorant Generation, 122–124, 556, 568

model-based migration, 65

MPS (Meta-Programming System), 140

multiple evaluation, 186, 190, 192

multiple passes, 302

multiplicity symbols, 231–232, 234


namespaces, 73, 482–483

negation operator (ANTLR), 326

Nested Closure, 80–82, 87, 109, 150, 154, 158, 376–377, 394, 402, 403–415

evaluation order of, 359, 404

explicit arguments in, 411–412, 415

in C#, 408–409

in Ruby, 404, 408

language support of, 405

multiple, 405

using with:

Context Variable, 404–405

Dynamic Reception, 415, 442

Function Sequence, 352, 394, 404–407, 411–412

Method Chaining, 404–405, 409–411

Object Scoping, 404, 406

Production Rule System, 523

vs. Nested Function, 393, 403–405

Nested Function, 48, 74–77, 79–80, 87, 149, 191, 357, 359–371, 376, 385–386, 420–421

arguments of:

checking, 363–365

labeling, 358

multiple different, 361–363

optional, 358–359, 361

disadvantages of, 359–360

evaluation order of, 357–359

in Lisp, 75

in Ruby, 403

mandatory clauses in, 377

using with:

Context Variable, 359

Expression Builder, 344

Function Sequence, 352

Literal List, 358, 417

Literal Map, 358

Method Chaining, 366, 369

Object Scoping, 359, 366, 369, 371

vs. Method Chaining, 381

vs. Nested Closure, 393, 403–405

Nested Operator Expression, 99, 249, 306–307, 327–331

using with Embedded Interpretation, 328

.NET, 82, 370, 457

attributes in, 84, 445

Newline Separators, 95, 222, 320, 333–336

using with:

Delimiter-Directed Translation, 333

Syntax-Directed Translation, 333–336

noise. See syntactic noise

Notification, 58–59, 193–198, 515

in ANTLR, 195–198

in C#, 194–195

parsing, 195–198

using with Production Rule System, 518


object initializers, 365

Object Scoping, 73–75, 81, 149–150, 171–172, 361–362, 385, 387–395, 409, 415, 420, 440, 470, 479, 519, 522

using with:

Dependency Network, 509, 511

Dynamic Reception, 428

Function Sequence, 352–353

Nested Closure, 404, 406

Nested Function, 359, 366, 369, 371

Production Rule System, 525

Observation, 516–517

“Old MacDonald Had a Farm” song, 75, 80, 357, 359

OMG, 141–142

OO (object-oriented) languages

command objects in, 82

domain model of, 134

generated and handwritten code in, 126–127

imperative computational model of, 113

methods in, 69, 72, 75

naming classes in, 471

train wrecks in, 68

operators in lexers, 223

optional operator

implementing, 258

in Recursive Descent Parser, 247

output production, 226


Packrat, 98

PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), 140

Parr, Terence, 339

parse tree, 226

and grammar, 135

immutable, 456

walking, 456

See also syntax tree

Parse Tree Manipulation, 82–83, 190–191, 455–466

in C#, 191, 456

in Lisp, 191, 456

in Ruby, 456

using with Context Variable, 466

Parser Combinator, 91–92, 97, 99, 220, 226, 249, 255–268, 270

actions in, 259–260

composite, 258

downsides of, 261

implementing, 261

input of, 256

output of, 256

recognition in, 256–260

vs. BNF, 261

vs. Parser Generator, 261

vs. Recursive Descent Parser, 256, 261

Parser Generator, 46, 63, 91–94, 96–100, 102–103, 105–106, 111, 129, 220, 223, 225–226–227, 230, 232, 234, 236–238, 241, 245–246, 248–249, 255, 261, 269–280, 283–284, 292, 299–300, 302–303, 311, 319–322, 326–328, 330, 334, 340

advantages of, 261, 272

and Embedded Interpretation, 271

and Embedded Translation, 271

and Tree Construction, 271

code actions in, 236–238

disadvantages of, 272

embedding actions, 270–271

multiplicity symbols in, 232

using with:

BNF, 270

Embedment Helper, 271, 551

Foreign Code, 270–271

vs. Parser Combinator, 261

parser objects, 255–268

parsers, 47–49, 201–218, 223–226, 239

bottom-up, 98–99, 238, 327–329

developing cost of, 107, 478

error handling in, 63

for Decision Table, 496, 502–503

for Dependency Network, 511–512

for lines, 204, 212–218

for state machines, 215–218

for XML, 102

generating, 275

implementing, 220, 255–268

in C#, 519, 525–526

testing, 57–61, 275

top-down, 98–99, 235, 245–254–255, 261–268, 306, 329–331

See also Recursive Descent Parser

vs. Expression Builder, 71

vs. lexers, 319

whitespace in, 202

ParseTree (Ruby), 456

parsing, 50–52, 225

and Context Variables, 175, 300

external DSLs, 45–47, 89–92, 110

multiple together, 101

flexibility in, 162

internal DSLs, 45–47

output of, 92–94

textual transformations prior to, 183

PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar), 97, 233–234

performance, 166

PIC, 154

PL/1, 222

pointer arithmetic, 558

polymorphic lines, 203

precedence rules, 328

precision, 369

printf function (C), 540

procedures. See functions

Production Rule System, 18, 117–118, 136, 489, 513–526

debugging, 517

using with:

Adaptive Model, 492

Function Sequence, 523, 526

Method Chaining, 523, 526

Nested Closure, 523

Notification, 518

Object Scoping, 525

Semantic Model, 519–521

vs. Decision Table, 497

programming languages, 27

domain-specific. See DSLs

dynamic. See dynamically typed languages

encodings of, 429

general-purpose. See general-purpose languages

interpreted, 110

object-oriented. See OO languages

static. See statically typed languages

templating, 540

with keyword arguments, 75

projectional editing, 136–138, 139, 141

property lists, 101

push-down machine, 97

Python, 95, 338


Quadrant, 141


R language, 30

Ragel, 97

Rails, 28

Active Record, 428, 430, 434

See also Ruby on Rails

Rake, 157

range operator, 232

recurring events, 366

recursion, 235

Recursive Descent Parser, 91–92, 97, 99, 220, 226, 245–254, 256, 261, 270, 423

advantages of, 261

shortcomings of, 249

simplicity of, 249

vs. Parser Combinator, 256, 261


automated, 64, 168

in IDE, 572

safe, 137

regex API, 243–244

Regex Table Lexer, 94, 223, 239–244, 246, 250, 256

regular expressions, 28, 30, 32

using with:

Delimiter-Directed Translation, 90, 202, 209, 214

lexers, 221, 223

Regex Table Lexer, 239–244

Textual Polishing, 477

Relax NG, 102

repetition operator (Recursive Descent Parser), 247

Repository, 316

reset block, 267

reset events, 4, 8, 288, 297, 303, 475, 563

explicit, 8

Roberts, Mike, 29

Row Data Gateway, 573

Ruby, 14, 28, 67, 157, 574

Annotations in, 446, 451–454

arrays in, 456

blocks in, 81–82, 397, 401

class methods in, 451–452

dynamic code generation in, 452–454

Dynamic Reception in, 86

Greenspun form in, 422–425

instance evaluation in, 386, 392–394, 405, 407, 412–415, 420, 422, 440, 442, 479

keywords in, 480

Literal Extension in, 85

Literal Lists in, 77–78, 417, 420–422

Literal Maps in, 419–422

Macros in, 187

Nested Closure in, 404, 408

Nested Function in, 403

open classes in, 481, 573

Parse Tree Manipulation in, 83

parsed method names in, 430–434

ParseTree library in, 456

periods at the end of the line in, 374

populating Semantic Model in, 35

ranges in, 446

Symbol Table in, 170–171

symbols in, 78, 87, 166, 419, 439, 443–444

Textual Polishing in, 478–480

varargs arguments in, 421

Ruby on Rails

DSL expressions in, 85

metadata in, 84–85

rule engine, 514

rules, 513–526

activated, 514, 524–525

backward chaining, 515

contradictory, 515–516, 523

firing, 514, 525

forward chaining, 515, 521, 523–524

sets of, 515

validation, 516–521

See also Production Rule System


salience, 514

SASS, 151

SAX (Simple API for XML), 48, 93, 101

scanners. See lexers scheduler, 514

schema definition languages, 131, 135

schemas, 102

Scheme (Gimp), 15, 190

screen layouts, 154


testing, 61–62

visualizing, 62

secret panel controller, 3–5, 22, 32–33, 54, 131, 133, 163–164, 438–444, 488, 491

in ANTLR, 549–552

in C, 557–563, 568–570

in Java, 530, 535–538, 541–546, 549–552

lexing, 241–244

nonautonomous statements in, 211–218

programming, 9–16

testing, 56–57

using with:

Embedded Translation, 300–304

Model-Aware Generation, 557–563

State Machine, 530

Templated Generation, 541–546

Transformer Generation, 535–538

Tree Construction, 284–291

security systems, 3–5

Semantic Model, 16–21, 22, 25, 29, 42–47, 51–54, 56–57, 60–62, 71–72, 81–83, 92–94, 100, 102, 108, 110–112, 115, 120–123, 130–131, 133, 135–136, 138, 141, 148–149, 152, 159–164, 168, 170, 172, 176–178, 202, 221–223, 282, 284, 288, 299, 301, 320, 345, 349, 353–354, 360, 387, 441, 446, 456, 458–461, 463, 465, 470, 488, 509, 520, 530, 533–534, 556, 563–564, 567, 574, 576

advantages of, 71, 162–164, 306

and code generation, 21, 128, 130, 162, 533–538

and Foreign Code, 310–315, 318

and parsing, 162, 256

binding XML elements to, 102

executing, 162

fluent constructs in, 344–345

generating diagrams from, 24

handling semantic errors in, 63–64

model-based migration of, 65

populating, 36, 43–47, 49, 52, 128, 162, 284, 288–291, 317, 575

in an invalid state, 60

in Recursive Descent Parser, 248

in Ruby, 35

via a command-query interface, 160

via Embedded Translation, 299–304

schema of, 130

separating from Expression Builder, 71, 344

simulacrum of, 556–557

supporting multiple DSLs for, 163

testing, 53–57

using with:

Annotation, 447

Class Symbol Table, 468

Decision Table, 496–502

Dependency Network, 509–511

language workbenches, 142

Model-Aware Generation, 555–566

Production Rule System, 519–521

Symbol Table, 166

Templated Generation, 125, 544, 546, 549

Transformer Generation, 124, 533–538

validation checks in, 161, 164

visualizing, 34

vs. Domain Model, 44, 134, 160

vs. syntax tree, 48, 135, 160, 306

semantic predicates, 226–227, 271

semantics, 49

Sendmail, 110

separation of concerns, 71

separators, in lexers, 320, 324–325, 333–336

sequence operator

actions for, 259–260

implementing, 257

in Recursive Descent Parser, 246

serialized data structures, 30

servers, 448

setf macro (Lisp), 191

shifting, 98

Simonyi, Charles, 140

SLR parser, 99


adding methods to third-party classes in, 482

blocks in, 82, 397

conditional expressions in, 405

Dynamic Reception in, 86

named parameters in, 78

overriding unknown methods in, 428

symbols in, 166

smell, 52, 218, 438, 514

source code repository, 126, 275

source-based editing, 136

Specification, 206, 313, 366, 389

spreadsheets, 23–24, 138–140, 496–497

SQL, 21, 28, 32

generating, 35, 46, 82, 121

from C# conditions, 457

mapping to Java classes, 151–152

Starbucks, 31

start conditions, 322–324

State, 204, 212

State Machine, 4–9, 18, 118, 122, 159–161, 163–164, 527–530

creating, 295–296

dynamically loading, 564–566

lexical analyzer for, 241–244

model of, 5–9, 16–19, 22, 131

parsing, 215–218

using with Adaptive Model, 529

visualizing as a diagram, 136

state tables, 124

statement separators, 286, 333–336

states, 528

static checking, 122, 521

static data, 352

static import, 73, 352, 360, 371, 378

static methods. See methods, static

statically typed languages

and external DSLs, 110

code generation for, 566

compilation errors in, 427

Decision Table in, 496

enums in, 419

Foreign Code in, 100

IDE support for, 377

marker interfaces in, 447

no Dynamic Reception in, 429

string arguments in, 521

type-aware autocompletion in, 467, 469

using Textual Polishing in, 477

statistics, 30

Strategy, 212


and performance, 166

autocompletion of, in IDE, 168

operations with, 166

splitting, 90

strtok function (C), 565–566

structs, 28

structural constraints, 135

subroutines. See functions

sugar. See syntactic sugar

Swiby, 154

symbol data type, 78, 166, 419, 467

Symbol Table, 16, 50–52, 71, 78, 93, 97, 165–174, 215, 218, 259, 289, 441, 468–469, 484, 550

in internal DSLs, 170–171

populating, 442

uses of, 168

using with Semantic Model, 166

values of, 166

Symbol Table for Nested Scopes, 167

symbolic constants, 185

symbols, 87, 165

and performance, 166

declaring, 167

dynamically typed, 419

in Ruby, 439, 443–444

misspelled, 167

operations with, 166

statically typed, 168, 172–174, 467

syntactic analysis, 223–227

in ANTLR, 274–276

separating from lexing, 94–95

strategy of, 89–92

syntactic indentation, 95, 337–339, 478

syntactic noise, 75, 81, 108, 376, 381, 386, 392, 415

of DSLs, 82

of embedded code, 101

of XML, 13, 101, 103

reducing with:

Dynamic Reception, 428, 439, 443–444

syntax coloring, 86

Textual Polishing, 85, 478

syntactic sugar, 358, 360, 437, 443

syntax, 49, 90, 229–238

syntax highlighting, 22, 86, 107, 549

syntax tree, 47, 49, 93–94, 226, 376

abstract. See AST

constructing. See Tree Construction, 260

populating in Recursive Descent Parser, 248

vs. Semantic Model, 48, 135, 160, 306

syntax-directed editing, 22

Syntax-Directed Translation, 49, 79, 90–92, 94, 97, 105–107, 148, 152, 203–205, 219–227, 229–230, 232, 240, 281, 299, 339

composing DSLs with, 111

disadvantages of, 92, 227, 271

grammar files for, 126

learning cost of, 105–106

separation between lexing and parsing in, 221–223, 240–241

strategies to produce output with, 202, 276

syntactic indentation in, 339

using with:

Alternative Tokenization, 326

Foreign Code, 126

Newline Separators, 333–336

vs. Delimiter-Directed Translation, 92, 106, 204–205, 227

vs. Embedded Interpretation, 276

vs. Embedded Translation, 276

vs. Tree Construction, 276


tabs, 338

Templated Generation, 183, 192, 539–546

problems with, 125

using with:

Embedment Helper, 125, 540, 544, 548

Ruby, 574

Semantic Model, 125, 544, 546, 549

Transformer Generation, 534

vs. Transformer Generation, 124–125, 540

templates, 539–546, 547

templating engine, 540

templating languages, 540

terminal symbols

actions for, 259–260

combinators for, 263

recognizer for, 257–259

Test Utility Method, 56

test-driven development, 53

testing, 53–62

marking methods for, 445, 447–448

with invalid input tests, 59–61

Textual Polishing, 85, 185, 477–480

in Ruby, 478–480

using with Dynamic Reception, 428

third-party libraries

adding methods to, 482

wrapping with DSLs, 33

tokenizers. See lexers

tokens, 94–95, 221–223

checking, 363–365

declaring in grammar file, 287

ignoring type of, 325–326

in ANTLR, 274

nested, 318

type mutation of, 324–325

types of, 223, 363–365

train wrecks, 68

Transformer Generation, 533–538, 541

input-driven vs. output-driven, 534

using with:

Model-Aware Generation, 535–538

Semantic Model, 124, 533–538

Templated Generation, 534

vs. Templated Generation, 124–125, 540

Tree Construction, 49, 93–94, 101, 152, 168, 225–226, 236–237, 253, 281–297, 300–301, 326, 331

actions in, 259

advantages of, 93

and Parser Generator, 271

code actions in, 292–297

in Recursive Descent Parser, 248

memory consumption of, 284

parsing, 286–288

populating Semantic Model with, 284

processing AST in multiple passes, 302

tokenizing, 285–286

vs. Delimiter-Directed Translation, 202, 286

vs. Embedded Translation, 93, 284, 300

vs. Syntax-Directed Translation, 276

type checking, 87–88

type transmogrification, 375, 481–482


Ubiquitous Language, 5, 34


configuration files for, 102

line ending character in, 202

little languages in, 28

up-to operator, 232


validation, 81, 135, 577

and Semantic Model, 161, 164

annotations for, 448–454

failing, 193, 521

in C#, 517–521

on form fields, 448–449

rules for, 516–521

Value Object, 375

Vanderburg, Glenn, 112

varargs parameters, 77, 358, 361, 417–419, 421

in Ruby, 421

variable capture, 186, 190, 192


class, 447, 452

context. See Context Variable

declaring, 97

limited-scope, 80–81

static, 558

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 15

Velocity, 184, 187, 541–546, 552–554

template commands in, 544

version control systems, 35

visualization, 24–25

of Adaptive Model, 491

of scripts, 62

of Semantic Model, 34

of State Machine, 136

Vlissides, John, 571

Voelter, Marcus, 128


warnings, 194

web pages

common elements on, 185

embedding code into, 547


by Embedment Helper, 552–554

from templates, 125, 540

in Transformer Generation, 534

in Velocity, 187

Weirich, Jim, 415


in Delimiter-Directed Translation, 204

in lexers, 222–223, 241, 286, 319, 325

in parsers, 202

in syntactic indentation, 338

syntactic, 95

WPF (Windows Presentation Framework), 152


XAML, 152–154, 161

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 11–12

advantages of, 102

as DSL, 28, 31, 101–103, 106

as serialization mechanism, 102

binding to Semantic Model, 102

creating documents in, 415

parsers for, 102

processing, 93

syntactic noisiness of, 13, 101, 103

using for Context Variables, 176

vs. custom syntax, 13

XML Schema, 102

XPath, 83

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 30

Xtext, 141

xUnit, 447–448


Yacc, 148, 235–236

YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language), 103

indentation in, 338

using for Context Variables, 176

Yoder, Joe, 115

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