Adding a sound and replay button

Finally, we are in the last step of this chapter. We will add sound effects and a simple replay button for us to be able play this again.

Prepare for Lift Off

Let's make sure that we have all the graphics that we need for the replay button; go to the Chapter1 folder in the Project window, and make sure we have restartButtonOut.png and restartButtonOver.png in our subfolder Buttons. We also need some sound effects to use for our character, go to our Sound subfolder. We will see button_click. aiff, doorOpen.wav, getKey.aiff, and Jump.wav. Unity, by default, translates every sound that we import in our project to 3D, but we don't really need it as we are creating a 2D game. So, we will click on each sound in the Sound folder in the Project view and go to their Inspector window and uncheck 3D Sound and then click on the Apply button:

Prepare for Lift Off

Engage Thrusters

In this section, we will create the button and script for the restart button:

  1. First, we need to create a simple TextureButton class to control our restart button (Assets | Create | Javascript) and name our script to TextureButton. Double-click to open MonoDevelop and add the following code:
    public var normalTexture : Texture2D;
    public var rollOverTexture : Texture2D;
    public var clickSound : AudioClip;
    public var key : GameObject;
    public var Player : GameObject;

    From the preceding code, we have two Texture2D parameters, normalTexture and rollOverTexture, for the restart button when it's in the rollout and rollover state. We also have an audio to play a click sound FX.

  2. Next, we have key and PlayerGameObject, which we will assign the prefab of key and Player to use when the game is at an end. We are creating a function to change our restart button texture when the user performs rollover and rollout. Add the following script:
    public function OnMouseEnter () : void {  //Mouse Roll over function
      guiTexture.texture = rollOverTexture;
    public function OnMouseExit() : void { //Mouse Roll out function
      guiTexture.texture = normalTexture;
  3. Now, we will create the function that will reset our character back to the start position, and the key will appear in the scene again by using Instatiate to clone our object from our prefab object in the projects, which we will create at a later state.
  4. Finally, we have @script RequireComponent(AudioSource) to basically force the script to add an AudioSource script to our restartButton, and to prevent the error when we are running this script without the AudioSource script. Let's add the following script:
    public function OnMouseUp() : IEnumerator{ // Mouse up function
      yield new WaitForSeconds (1.0); //Wait for 0.5 secs. until do the next function
      //Create a new Player at the start position by cloning from our prefab
      Instantiate(Player, new Vector3(Player.transform.position.x, Player.transform.position.y, 0.0), Player.transform.rotation);
      //Create a new key at the start position by cloning from our prefab
      Instantiate(key, new Vector3(key.transform.position.x, key.transform.position.y, 0.0), key.transform.rotation);
      //Hide restart button
      guiTexture.enabled = false;
  5. Then, we go back to our CharacterController_2D.js to add sound code for playing the sound effect and a restart button. Add these parameters to the top of this class:
    private var restartButton : GUITexture;
    public var doorOpenSound : AudioClip;
    public var getKeySound : AudioClip;
    public var jumpSound : AudioClip;
  6. Add code to get the restartButton from our game scene; put this code in the Start() function:
    //Get restartButton from the Game Scene  
      restartButton = GameObject.FindWithTag("RestartButton").guiTexture;
      //make restart Button disabled
      restartButton.enabled = false;
  7. Add a jump sound, inside the Update() function and inside if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) {} as follows:
    if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) { //Jump
          b_isJumping = true;
          //Then make it Jump
          audio.volume = 0.3;
          rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(rigidbody.velocity.x, -Physics.gravity.y, 0);
  8. Next, we add the getKey sound, doorOpen sound, and enable our restartButton. Go to OnTriggerEnter() and update the code. First, inside if (hit.collider.tag == "Key") {} add the highlighted code:
    if (hit.collider.tag == "Key") {
        if (!b_hasKey) {
          //We hit our Key
          audio.volume = 1.0;
          b_hasKey = true;
          Destroy (hit.gameObject);
  9. Inside if (hit.collider.tag == "Door") {}, add the highlighted code:
    if (hit.collider.tag == "Door") {
        if (b_hasKey) {
          audio.volume = 1.0;
          //If we had Key and hit door the door will open
          hit.gameObject.renderer.material.mainTexture = doorOpenTexture;
          //wait for 1 second and destroy our character
          Destroy (gameObject);
          //We close the door
          hit.gameObject.renderer.material.mainTexture = doorCloseTexture;
          //Show Restart Button
          restartButton.enabled = true;

    And for the last thing before we go back to Unity, put this line at the end of the code to basically force the script to add an AudioSource script to CharacterController_2D.js:

    @scriptRequireComponent (AudioSource)
  10. Then, we go back to Unity, and click on the Player to open the Inspector. We will see Door Open Sound, Get Key Sound, and Jump Sound. Then, we assign the sounds to these as follows:
    • Door Open Sound: doorOpen.wav
    • Get Key Sound: getKey.aiff
    • Jump Sound: Jump.wav
  11. Next, we need to add an Audio Source script to be able to use our sound for the Player. This is because we already attached this script to the game object, so Unity doesn't add it for us.
  12. Go to Component | Audio | AudioSource. There, create three prefabs for the key, Player, and restartButton. Go to Assets | Create | Prefab three times, and name all of them as follows: Key, Player, and restartButton.
  13. Next, we drag our Player in Hierarchy to the Player Prefab in the Project window. We will also do the same with Key; drag our Key in Hierarchy to the Key Prefab in the Project window.
  14. For the restartButton, we need to create a new tag; go to Edit | Project Settings | Tags. Under Element 5 type RestartButton.
  15. Next, create a new GUI Texture object, which is for our replay button GameObject | Create Other | GUI Texture and name it restartButton, and in the object inspector set it as follows:
    • Tag: RestartButton
    • Position: x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0
    • Rotation: x: 0, y: 0, z: 0
    • Scale: x: 0, y: 0, z: 1
    • GUITexture:
    • Texture: Drag-and-drop restartButtonOut.png here
    • Color: Leave it as default
    • Pixel Inset:
    • X: -64, Y: -16, Width: 128, Height: 32
  16. Drag restartButton in Hierarchy and drop to the restartButtonPrefab in the Project Window, click on the restartButtonPrefab in the Project window, and drag our TextureButton.js script to restartButtonPrefab. In the Inspector, we add all objects needed for Texture Button (Script) as follows:
    • Normal Texture: Drag-and-drop restartButtonOut.png in here
    • Roll Over Texture: Drag-and-drop restartButtonOver.png in here
    • Click Sound: Drag-and-drop button_click.aiff here
    • Key: Drag-and-drop Key Prefab here
    • Player: Drag-and-drop Player Prefab here

Ok, now we are done; click play to see what we have. Now, when we collect the key and go inside the door, we will see a restart button appear; click on this button and the game will restart.

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

We just finished creating a restart button for our platform game. We used Destroy and Instantiate to remove and create a new clone of the object from the prefab. We also added a sound effect to our restart button and character. Then, we set audio.volume to 1.0; to set the volume of our sound effect and used audio.PlayOneShot(AudioClip); to play a sound effect once it is triggered.

Classified Intel

In restartButton, we can also add Application.LoadLevel(LevelName) to reset our game, which is much easier than using instantiate, but the Application.LoadLevel will destroy all the game objects in the scene and reload again. In this case, we use instantiate in our game because we only have one scene and don't want to load the whole game level again. However, we can also put DontDestroyOnLoad() in the Awake() function of the object that we don't want to destroy, but it needs a bit of setup. So, there is no right or wrong. It depends on what we want to use or where we want the project to go.

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