Game over-Wrapping it up

In this chapter, we just created the Waypoints for the enemy to follow. We also created the enemy AI that can jump, run towards the player, walk, and stop for a certain time—by creating the AIController script. This script used the mix of CharacterControl script from Project 4, The Hero/Heroine Part II—Animation and Controls, and New3PSController script from the Project 5, Creating a Rocket Launcher.

We also learned more about the Gizmos() function to display the visual of our Waypoints empty game object by using Gizmo.DrawIcon(), Gizmo.DrawLine(), and Gizmo.DrawWireSphere().

Finally, we learned how to use the GUI.BeginGroup() function to mask and show the hit-point UI object for the player and the enemy.

So, let's take a look at the following screenshot to see what we have done so far:

Game over-Wrapping it up

We start the game and then we get shot:

Game over-Wrapping it up

We fight back:

Game over-Wrapping it up

However, we lost:

Game over-Wrapping it up
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