Creating the rocket launcher and scope target

From the last section, we have the setup for the Aiming button to stop our character's movement as well as control the animation of our character by using crossFade() . In this section, we will add the aiming animation, shot animation, scope target UI, rocket launcher script, and rocket launcher object.

Engage Thrusters

We will start with creating a rocket launcher and adding the New3PSController script to it. Then, our character will be able to shoot the rocket:

  1. Go to Unity editor, GameObject | Create Empty, and name the object RocketLauncher, and then we drag this object inside the Main Camera object in the Hierarchy view as shown in the following screenshot:
    Engage Thrusters
  2. Then, go to the Inspector view of the RocketLauncher to set up the Transform | Position, X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 2. Next, we create the GUITexture for the scope target by going to GameObject | Create Other | GUI Texture and naming it ScopeUI. Go to its Inspector and set the following:
    • GUITexture
      • Texture: scopeTarget.png (Chapter5/UI folder/scopeTarget)
      • Pixel Inset
        • X: -16, Y: -16, Width: 32, Height: 32
  3. Create a new RocketLauncher script by going to Assets | Create | Javascript and name it RocketLauncher, double-click on it to open MonoDevelop. Then, go to the script and replace the code as follows:
    public var speed : float = 10;
    public var ammoCount : int = 20;
    private var lastShot : float = 0.0;
    public function Fire(_reloadTime : float) : void {
      if (Time.time > (_reloadTime + lastShot) && ammoCount > 0) {
        //Get the last shot time    
        lastShot = Time.time;
        //Decrease the bullet
    public function Reload () : void {
      ammoCount = 20;
    • Here, we create the Fireand Reload() functions to trigger when the user presses R to reload the bullet or presses E to aim, which will be called from New3PSController.
  4. Go back to Unity and go to the Project view and drag your RocketLauncher script to the RocketLauncher object in the Hierarchy view.
  5. Go to the New3PSController script to add the highlighted code between the maxRotateY and mouseLook parameters (before the Awake() function), as shown next:
    //Camera Rotation Limit
    public var minRotateY : float = -15;
    public var maxRotateY : float = 60;
    //Scope UI
    public var scopeUI : GUITexture;
    //Rocket Launcher
    public var rocketLauncher : RocketLauncher;
    //Shot Params
    private var b_isPrepare : boolean = false;
    private var b_isShot : boolean = false;
    //Mouse Look
    private var mouseLook : MouseLook_JS;
    //Character Motor
    private var motor : CharacterMotor;
  6. Then, go to the Update() function and add the code before and inside if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { (after if (directionVector != { statement) as highlighted:
    if (directionVector != {
    //Reload the rocket bullet
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R)) {
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) {
        //Show the Scope UI
        scopeUI.enabled = true;
        //Set the maximum and minimum limit rotation on Y-axis for the main camera
        //Set the maximum and minimum limit rotation on Y-axis for the main camera
        mouseLook.minimumY = minRotateY;
        mouseLook.maximumY = maxRotateY;    
         //Checking if the character is playing the shot animation
        if (!b_isPrepare) {
          b_isShot = false;
          //Play the shot preparing animation function
        } else {
          //If the player click fire play the shot animation again
          if ((Input.GetButton("Fire1")) && (!b_isShot)) {
            b_isShot = true;
            //Play the shot animation function
        //No Movement Direction
        motor.inputMoveDirection =;
  7. Go to the else section and add the highlighted code at the first line before if (Camera.main.GetComponent(MouseLook)) {, as follows:
    else {
        //Hide the Scope UI
        scopeUI.enabled = false;
        //Set the prepare animation to false
        b_isPrepare = false;
       //No Y-axis Rotation
      mouseLook.minimumY = 0;
      mouseLook.maximumY = 0;
       //Change the movement speed of the character
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) {
  8. We are now done with the adding part for the Update() function. We will need to add other two functions for the WaitForPrepare() and WaitForShot() functions. So, let's go to the Update() function before @script RequireComponent (CharacterMotor) line and add the following two functions:
    private function WaitForShot () : IEnumerator {
      _animation[].speed = shotAnimationSpeed;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
      _animation.PlayQueued(, QueueMode.PlayNow);
      BroadcastMessage("Fire", shotAnimation.length); //Call Fire function in attached scripts of this GameObject or any of its children
      yield WaitForSeconds (shotAnimation.length);
      b_isShot = false;
    private function WaitForPrepare () : IEnumerator {
      _animation[].speed = shotAnimationSpeed * 2;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
      _animation.CrossFade(, 0.6);
      yield WaitForSeconds(shotAnimation.length);
      b_isPrepare = true;

    The preceding two functions are basically to play the aiming and shooting animation. Now, we are done with adding the New3PSController script.

  9. Then, go back to Unity and click on the First Person Controller object in the Hierarchy view, and go to its Inspector view; at the New 3PSController (Script) drag both objects that we just created, as follows:
    • Scope UI: ScopeUI (Drag ScopeUI object here)
    • Rocket Launcher: RocketLauncher (Drag RocketLauncher object here)

We are done with this section. Click Play to see the result. Now, if you hold the E key, the scope target will appear and our character will start playing aiming animation. If we left-click on the mouse while holding the E key, the character will start playing the shot animation. However, there is no rocket coming out right now. We will create the rocket and the particle object in the next section.

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

In this step, we just added some code to our New3PSController.js for controlling the aiming and shot animation as well as created the rocket launcher object and script that will trigger when the user presses fire or aim. We also created the GUITexture object to show the scope target graphic, which will show when the player presses E to aim and hide when the player doesn't press E.

In the Fire() function, we added the rocket launcher object. We checked for the time that our rocket will be fired after the shot animation ended by checking for the reloaded time plus the last time that the character was shot. We also decreased the amount of bullet when the character clicks shot. In the next section, we will add the rocket prefab and the particle object in the Fire() function.

Classified Intel

If we take a look at New3PSController.js, we will see that we used the BroadcastMessage("Reload"); and BroadcastMessage("Fire", shotAnimation.length);. Both of these functions basically call all the functions named Reload or Fire, in this game object or any of its children. This is a great way to make our script and object more organized.


Performance wise, BroadcastMessage() is slower than a function call because it iterates through all possible target objects, finds matches of the desired function, and executes them. Therefore, it won't cause a huge increase in performance if we don't have a large number of function calls.

We can have different scripts attached to the children of this object and trigger at the same time. For example, BroadcastMessage("Fire", shotAnimation.length) will call the Fire(var f:float) function in each component attached to the object (irrespective of whether we're calling it on the Component or the GameObject). So, when the user hits fire, we will have the rocket shot at the same time with the smoke coming out from the launcher without having to code everything in one big script. We can see more details from the following links:

Next, we will take a look at the waitForShot() function, we will see that we use _animation.PlayQueued(, QueueMode.PlayNow); instead of the CrossFade() function. This is because we want to play the shot animation as soon as the player presses fire. The PlayQueued() function will help us to fade between the same animation smoothly. We can see further details of this function from the following website:

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