Class declarations

You can define classes in JavaScript, in a similar way as you do it in C#. The following example is a class that inherits from MonoBehaviour.


class MyClass extends MonoBehaviour {
  var myVar = 1;
  function Start() {
    Debug.Log("Hello World!");


class MyClass : MonoBehaviour {
  public int myVar = 1;
  void Start() {
    Debug.Log("Hello World!");

However in JavaScript, if you're inheriting from MonoBehaviour, you don't need to write a class body at all. You can also write the following script in JavaScript, which will get a similar result as the preceding JavaScript:

var myVar = 1;
function Start() {
  Debug.Log("Hello World!");

Unity will automatically implement an explicit class body for you.

You can also write classes that do not inherit from anything; however, you can't place these scripts on the game objects—you have to instantiate them with the new keyword.


class MyClass {
  var myVar = 1;
  function MyClass() {
    Debug.Log("Hello World!");


class MyClass {
  public int myVar = 1;
  void MyClass() {
    Debug.Log("Hello World!");


If you are inheriting from MonoBehaviour, you should not use constructors or destructors. Instead, use the event handler functions Start, Awake, and OnEnabled.

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