Game over-Wrapping it up

In this chapter, we have created the Resident Evil camera game style by adapting the built-in First Person Controller. We have also learned how to set up the FPS Character Controller, created the New3PSController script to control the character animation, created a rocket launcher, created the rocket prefab, and used the built-in particle to create the smoke from the launcher barrel, smoke trial from the rocket, and the explosion.

Next, we also learned how to use the Instantiate() function to clone the game object and display it in the scene. Then, we use Invoke() to call the function after the time that we assigned. Lastly, we created the UI to track the number of rockets left by using GUITexture and the OnGUI() function.

So, let's take a look at the following screenshot of what we have done so far:

Game over-Wrapping it up

The preceding screenshot shows the camera view of the character.

Game over-Wrapping it up

The preceding screenshot shows the character shooting.

Game over-Wrapping it up

The preceding screenshot shows the rocket hitting the obstacle.

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