Creating the enemy movement with AIController script

From the last section, we now have our Enemy object, but there is no movement, yet. So, in this section, we will create the core script to control our enemy by using the similar concept used for the CharacterControl script in Project 4, The Hero/Heroine Part II—Animation and Controls, and New3PSController in Project 5, Creating a Rocket Launcher. We will mix both the scripts and create a new script to control the movements of our enemy following the waypoint and detect the player using the Waypoints script.

Engage Thrusters

We will start by creating the AIController script:

  1. Go to Assets | Create | Javascript, name it AIController, and double-click on it to open MonoDevelop. Since we need to attach the built-in CharacterController, we will replace the old code with the following:
    @script RequireComponent(CharacterController)
  2. Then, continue adding all necessary parameters to this script as follows:
    public var wayPoint : Waypoints;
    //Rocket Launcher
    public var rocketLauncher : RocketLauncher;
    //Get the Player
    public var player : Transform;
    //Animation Params
    public var _animation : Animation;
    public var idleAnimation : AnimationClip;
    public var walkAnimation : AnimationClip;
    public var runAnimation : AnimationClip;
    public var shotAnimation : AnimationClip;
    public var walkAnimationSpeed : float = 1.5;
    public var idleAnimationSpeed : float = 1.0;
    public var runAnimationSpeed : float = 2.0;
    public var shotAnimationSpeed : float = 0.5;
    //Character movement speed
    public var runSpeed : int = 6;
    public var walkSpeed : int = 2;
    public var jumpSpeed : float = 8.0;
    public var gravity : float = 20.0;
    //Shot Range
    public var shotRange : float = 15.0;
    //Detected the player - increase from the shot range
    public var getPlayerRange : float = 5.0;
    //Max distance from waypoint
    public var waypointDistance : float = 10.0;
    //To make the enemy walk for 4 seconds - then think
    public var walkingTime : float = 4.0;
    //To make the enemy stop for 2 seconds - then walk
    public var thinkingTime : float = 2.0;
    //Ai current HP
    public var aiHP : float = 100;
    //AI MAx HP
    private var aiMaxHP : float;
    //Character Controller
    private var controller : CharacterController;
    //Collision Flag return from Moving the character
    private var c_collisionFlags : CollisionFlags;
    //Move Params
    private var f_verticalSpeed : float = 0.0;
    private var f_moveSpeed : float = 0.0;
    private var v3_moveDirection : Vector3 =;
    private var b_isRun : boolean;
    private var b_isAiming : boolean;
    private var b_isJumping : boolean;
    private var b_isStop : boolean;
    //Shot Params
    private var b_isPrepare : boolean = false;
    private var b_isShot : boolean = false;
    //Rotate Params
    private var q_currentRotation : Quaternion; //current rotation of the character
    private var q_rot : Quaternion; //Rotate to left or right direction
    private var f_rotateSpeed : float = 1.0; //Smooth speed of rotation
    //Stop time Counting
    private var f_lastTime : float = 0;

    With the preceding code, we basically created all the necessary parameters for our AIController script.

  3. Now we will create the Awake() function to set up the necessary values for our parameter before it gets initialized in the Start() function, so add the following code:
    //Using Awake to set up parameters before Initialize
    public function Awake() : void {
      controller = GetComponent(CharacterController);
      b_isRun = false;
      b_isAiming = false;
      b_isJumping = false;
      f_moveSpeed = walkSpeed;
      c_collisionFlags = CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow;
      f_moveSpeed = walkSpeed;
      //To make the character stop moving at a certain time
      f_lastTime = Time.time; //Tracking the time between each movement of the character
      b_isStop = false;
      aiMaxHP = aiHP;
      //Set up animation speed and wrapmode
      _animation[].speed = walkAnimationSpeed;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
      _animation[].speed = runAnimationSpeed;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
      _animation[].speed = idleAnimationSpeed;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

    In the preceding Awake() function, we just assigned the value of each parameter, set up the movement speed, animation clip speed, animation wrapmode of the enemy, and the current time, which we will use to calculate the time to stop the enemy or make him walk.

  4. Next, add the following Start() function to set the position of our enemy equal to the first waypoint position:
    public function Start() : void {
      transform.position = wayPoint.StartPosition();
  5. After adding the Start() function, we need the function to check for the CollisionFlags parameter of the enemy to see if our enemy hits the ground, which is very similar to the CharacterControl script that we used in Project 4, The Hero/Heroine Part II—Animation and Controls:
    //Checking if the character hit the ground (collide Below)
    public function IsGrounded () : boolean {
      return (c_collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow);
  6. Next, create OnCollisionEnter(), which is the built-in function to check whether the enemy got hit by the player, and decrease the hit-points if necessary. Also, we can add another function to get the percent of the current enemy hit-points and maximum enemy hit-points by adding the following code:
    //Checking for the collision if the rocket hit the enemy
    public function OnCollisionEnter(collision : Collision) : void {
      if (StaticVars.b_isGameOver == false) {
        if (collision.transform.tag == "Rocket") {
          var rocket : Rocket = collision.gameObject.GetComponent(Rocket);
          var f_damage : float = rocket.getDamage();
          //Clamp down the hitpoint - not lower than 0, and not higher than max hitpoint
          aiHP = Mathf.Clamp(aiHP-f_damage, 0, aiMaxHP);
    //Get the percent of the maximum HP with the current HP
    public function GetHpPercent() : float {
      return aiHP/aiMaxHP;
  7. Then, we will create four functions to give the enemy a personality and make our enemy smarter:
    • The first one is the Shoot() function, which will make the enemy shoot when the player is within shooting range of the enemy by checking the distance of the player and enemy. We will also use the Physics.Raycast() function to see if there is any wall blocking the direction of the shot; if there isn't, we just make the enemy shoot by adding the following code:
      //Give the Enemy Characteristic
      //Checking for the character is shooting
      public function Shoot (_direction : Vector3) : boolean {
        var hit : RaycastHit;
        //Checking if the player hit the shooting range
        if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) <= shotRange) {
          // Cast ray shotRange meters in shot direction, to see if nothing block the rocket
            if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, _direction, hit, shotRange)) {
              if (hit.transform.tag != "Wall") {
                b_isAiming = true;
                return b_isAiming;
        b_isAiming = false;
        return b_isAiming;
    • Second, we will create the Jump() function to make our enemy smarter by using another Physics class function, Physics.CapsuleCast(). This function will cast the capsule object from the enemy's position towards its movement direction to see if the enemy hits the wall. This will trigger the enemy to jump over the wall and continue walking towards its direction as in the following code:
      //Make character Jump
      public function Jump (_direction : Vector3) : boolean {
        //Checking for Jumping if the next y position is different than the current y position
        var hit : RaycastHit;
          var p1 : Vector3 = transform.position + + Vector3.up * (-controller.height*0.5);
          var p2 : Vector3 = p1 + Vector3.up * controller.height;
          // Cast character controller shape moveSpeed meters forward, to see if it is about to hit anything
          if ((Physics.CapsuleCast (p1, p2, 0.1, _direction, hit)) && (c_collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Sides)) {
            if (hit.transform.tag == "Wall") {
                return true;
        return false;
    • Then, we will check the distance between the player and the enemy to see if the distance is higher than the shotRange and inside the shotRange+getPlayerRange. So, let's add it as follows:
      //Make the enemy run when the player hit certain radius which is between the shotRange and getPlayerRange
      public function Run () : boolean {
        //Checking for Running
        if ((Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) <= (getPlayerRange+shotRange)) && ((Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) > shotRange))) {
          b_isRun = true;
        } else {
          b_isRun = false;
        return b_isRun;
    • In the last function, to control the enemy behavior, we will make our enemy walk and stop for a certain amount of time:
      //Calculate the time that let enemy walk and stop for the certain time
      public function IsThinking() : boolean {
        //Get the time when enemy stop walking
        if (b_isStop) {
          var f_time : float = thinkingTime;
        } else {
          //Get the time when enemy is walking
          f_time = walkingTime;
        if (Time.time >= (f_lastTime + f_time)) {
          if (b_isStop) {
            b_isStop = false;
          } else {
            b_isStop = true;
          f_lastTime = Time.time;
        return b_isStop;

    Now we are done with all the functions that give personality to our enemy.

  8. The next step is the Update() function, which will control all the movement and animation of our enemy. So, let's type it as follows:
    public function Update() : void {
      if (StaticVars.b_isGameOver == false) {
        var v3_rocketDirection : Vector3 = (player.position - transform.position).normalized;
        //Checking if the enemy position is away from the waypoint in the certain distance, 
        //Make the enemy stop running, shooting, and walk back to the target waypoint
        if (wayPoint.AwayFromWaypoint(transform, waypointDistance)) {
          b_isAiming = false;
          b_isRun = false;
        } else {
          //Checking if the enemy is not aiming - check for running
          if (!Shoot(v3_rocketDirection)) {
            //Checking if the ai is run or not aiming
  9. Continue to add the following script in the Update() function, which will check when the enemy isn't aiming, and then we will check for b_isRun to see if the enemy is running or not:
       if (!b_isAiming) {
          //If the ai is running don't make it think
          //Get the direction
          if (b_isRun) {
            var v3_targetDirection : Vector3 = wayPoint.GetDirectionToPlayer(transform, player); //Move Direct to the player
          } else {
            if (thinkingTime > 0) {
              if (!IsThinking()) {
                v3_targetDirection = wayPoint.GetDirection(transform); //Use random Direction
              } else {
                v3_targetDirection =;
            } else {
              v3_targetDirection = wayPoint.GetDirection(transform); //Use random Direction
  10. Add the script to get the movement direction of the enemy and check for the jumping behavior as follows:
            //If the target direction is not zero - means there is no button pressing
          if (v3_targetDirection != {
            //Rotate toward the target direction
            v3_moveDirection = Vector3.Slerp(v3_moveDirection, v3_targetDirection, f_rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            //Get only direction by normalize our target vector
            v3_moveDirection = v3_moveDirection.normalized;
          } else {
            v3_moveDirection =;
          //Checking if character is on the ground
          if (!b_isJumping) {
            //Holding Shift to run
            if (b_isRun) {
              f_moveSpeed = runSpeed;
            } else {
              b_isRun = false;
              f_moveSpeed = walkSpeed;
                //Press Space to Jump
                if (Jump(v3_moveDirection)) {
                    b_isJumping = true;
                    f_verticalSpeed = jumpSpeed;
  11. Now we can add gravity checking, get the actual movement direction, and apply the animation clip as we did in the CharacterControl script in Project 4, The Hero/Heroine Part II—Animation and Controls. Let's add the script as follows:
         // Apply gravity
          if (IsGrounded()) {
            f_verticalSpeed = 0.0; //if our character is grounded
            b_isJumping = false; //Checking if our character is in the air or not
            f_inAirTime = 0.0;
            f_inAirStartTime = Time.time;
          } else {
            f_verticalSpeed -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; //if our character in the air
            //Count Time
            f_inAirTime = Time.time - f_inAirStartTime;
          // Calculate actual motion
          var v3_movement : Vector3 = (v3_moveDirection * f_moveSpeed) + Vector3 (0, f_verticalSpeed, 0); // Apply the vertical speed if character fall down
          v3_movement *= Time.deltaTime;
          //Set the prepare animation to false
          b_isPrepare = false;
          //Checking if the character is moving or not
          if (v3_moveDirection != {
            if (f_moveSpeed == walkSpeed) {
            } else {
          } else {
          // Move the controller
             c_collisionFlags = controller.Move(v3_movement);
             //Update rotation of the character
            if ((v3_moveDirection != && (!b_isAiming)) {
              transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(v3_moveDirection);
  12. Now we are done with the no aiming part. We will continue to add the script to check for the aiming part, which is similar to what we did in Project 5, Creating a Rocket Launcher. So, let's add the script as follows:
    } else {//Aiming
             v3_moveDirection = Vector3.MoveTowards(v3_moveDirection, v3_rocketDirection, 0.1);
             v3_moveDirection = v3_moveDirection.normalized;
             // Apply gravity
          if (IsGrounded()) {
            f_verticalSpeed = 0.0; //if our character is grounded
            b_isJumping = false; //Checking if our character is in the air or not
            f_inAirTime = 0.0;
            f_inAirStartTime = Time.time;
          } else {
            f_verticalSpeed -= gravity * Time.deltaTime; //if our character in the air
            //Count Time
            f_inAirTime = Time.time - f_inAirStartTime;
          // Calculate actual motion
          v3_movement = Vector3 (0, f_verticalSpeed, 0); // Apply the vertical speed if character fall down
          v3_movement *= Time.deltaTime;
          //Checking if the character is playing the shoot animation
          if (!b_isPrepare) {
            b_isShot = false;
            //Play the shot preparing animation function
          } else {
            if (v3_rocketDirection == v3_moveDirection) {
              if (!b_isShot) {
                b_isShot = true;
                //Play the shoot animation function
          // Move the controller
             c_collisionFlags = controller.Move(new Vector3(0, v3_movement.y, 0));
             //Update rotation of the character
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(v3_moveDirection);
  13. As the last step of the Update() function, we will add the script for the game over state and close our function as follows:
    } else {
  14. Then, we will add two functions, which will be used to control the aiming and shoot animations:
    //Wait for shoot animation
    private function WaitForShot () : IEnumerator {
      _animation[].speed = shotAnimationSpeed;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
      _animation.PlayQueued(, QueueMode.PlayNow);
      BroadcastMessage("Fire", shotAnimation.length); //to enable all the function name Fire in every MonoBehaviour Script
      yield WaitForSeconds (shotAnimation.length);
      b_isShot = false;
    //Wait for aiming animation
    private function WaitForPrepare () : IEnumerator {
      _animation[].speed = shotAnimationSpeed * 2;
      _animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
      _animation.CrossFade(, 0.6);
      yield WaitForSeconds(shotAnimation.length);
      b_isPrepare = true;
  15. The last function that we add is the OnDrawGizmos() function, which we used in the last step to draw the line between the player position and the enemy position:
    //Draw Gizmos and Directional line from the enemy position to the player position
    public function OnDrawGizmos() : void {
      if (player != null) {
        Gizmos.color =;
        Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, player.position);

With that we are done with our AIController script. Next, we will go back to Unity and apply the AIController script to the AI game object by dragging it from the Project view to the AI game object in the Hierarchy view. Then, we will go to its Inspector view and set the following:

  • Character Controller
    • Height: 2.25
    • Radius: 0.4
    • Step Offset: 0.4
    • Skin Width: 0.05
  • AIController (Script)
    • Way Point: Waypoints (Drag the Waypoints game object to the Hierarchy view here)
    • Rocket Launcher: RocketLauncher (Drag the RocketLauncher game object inside the AI game object to the Hierarchy view here)
    • Player: robot (Drag the robot game object inside the First Person Controller game object to the Hierarchy view here)
    • Animation: robot_AI (Drag the robot_AI game object inside this AI game object to the Hierarchy here)
    • Idle Animation: idle (Drag the idle animation inside the Chapter5/Robot Artwork/robot@idle/ to the Project view here)
    • Walk Animation: walk (Drag the walk animation inside the Chapter5/Robot Artwork/robot@walk/ to the Project view here)
    • Run Animation: run (Drag the run animation inside the Chapter5/Robot Artwork/robot@run/ to the Project view here)
    • Shot Animation: shoot (Drag the shoot animation inside the Chapter5/Robot Artwork/robot@shoot/ to the Project view here)

The enemy will also walk for 4 minutes and stop for 2 minutes, and will jump over the wall.


We can set up the walking time and thinking time by going the AIController (Script) component in the Inspector view of AI and set up the Thinking Time or Walking Time, as shown in the following screenshot:

Engage Thrusters

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

We just created our AIController script by mixing two scripts, the CharacterControl script from Project 4, The Hero/Heroine Part II—Animation and Controls, and the New3PSController script from Project 5, Creating a Rocket Launcher.

We also added the new code section to give our enemy some characteristics and make it smart enough to shoot the player, run towards the player, jump when it hits the wall, and to stop and walk after a certain time.

In the Run() function, we used the if ((Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) <= (getPlayerRange+shotRange)) && ((Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.position) > shotRange))) {} statement to check for the distance between the enemy and the player, which we can see from the following diagram:

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

As we can see from the preceding diagram, the enemy will run towards the player if the distance between the player and the enemy is higher than the shotRange but lower than or equal to the getPlayerRange. And the enemy will shoot the player if the distance between him and the player is in the shotRange.

We also use both Physics.CapsuleCast() and Physics.RayCast() to check for the wall in front of the enemy.

Classified Intel

In this step, we have used both the Physics.CapsuleCast() and Physics.RayCast() functions. Both functions are very useful when one wants to check if there is anything blocking the enemy movement direction or the rocket bullet direction.

We use Physics.CapsuleCast() for our Jump() function because we want to check the area in front of the enemy and whether the capsule hits the wall or not. We also check the CollisionFlag.Sides for when the side of enemy collides with the wall as we use in the Jump() function, as shown in the following script:

if ((Physics.CapsuleCast (p1, p2, 0.1, _direction, hit)) && (c_collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Sides)) {

In this script, we also give the radius of the Capsule a value equal to 0.1 because we want to make sure that our enemy is very close to the wall or collides with the wall to make it jump, as shown in the following diagram:

Classified Intel

For Physics.RayCast(), it is very similar to the function that we used in the first chapter. It basically casts a ray from the position of the enemy's rocket launcher to the player by checking to see if there is anything blocking it, as shown in the following diagram:

Classified Intel
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