Creating a hit-point UI

Now we are at the last step of this chapter. We will add the hit-point game object for the player and enemy as well as create the HitPointUI script.

Engage Thrusters

Before we start creating the HitPointUI script , we will need to create the HitPointUI game object to contain it:

  1. First, go to Unity and create an empty game object by going to GameObject | Create Empty, and name it HitPointUI. Then, we will reset the Transform to default as follows:
    • Position X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0
    • Rotation X: 0 Y: 0 Z: 0
    • Scale X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 1
  2. Next, create a new script by going to Assets | Create | Javascript, name it HitPointUI, double-click on it to open MonoDevelop, and replace it with the following code:
    public var ai : AIController;
    public var player : New3PSController;
    public var frameTexture : Texture2D;
    public var hpTexture : Texture2D;
    public var aiTexture : Texture2D;
    public var textHpTexture : Texture2D;
    public var textAiTexture : Texture2D;

    Here, we just set up all the parameters needed for our HitPointUI.

  3. Then, add the Update() function to check for the game over state:
    public function Update() : void {
      //Checking if the player or AI Hit-point equal 0 or below 0
      if ((player.GetHpPercent() <= 0.0) || (ai.GetHpPercent() <= 0.0)) {
        StaticVars.b_isGameOver = true;
  4. We will add the OnGUI() function to create the hit-point UI:
    public function OnGUI() : void {
      //Draw Text
      GUI.DrawTexture (Rect (10,10,46,32), textHpTexture);
      GUI.DrawTexture (Rect (10,42,95,32), textAiTexture);
      //Character Hp
      // Create one Group to contain both images
      // Adjust the first 2 coordinates to place it somewhere else on-screen
      GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (110,15,156,21));
      // Draw the background image
      GUI.DrawTexture(Rect (0,0,156,21), frameTexture);
      // Create a second Group which will be clipped
      // We want to clip the image and not scale it, which is why we need the second Group
      GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (0,0,player.GetHpPercent() * 156, 21));
      // Draw the foreground image
      GUI.DrawTexture (Rect (0,0,156,21), hpTexture);
      // End both Groups
      GUI.EndGroup ();
      GUI.EndGroup ();
      //AI HP
      // Create one Group to contain both images
      // Adjust the first 2 coordinates to place it somewhere else on-screen
      GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (110,47,156,21));
      // Draw the background image
      GUI.DrawTexture(Rect (0,0,156,21), frameTexture);
      // Create a second Group which will be clipped
      // We want to clip the image and not scale it, which is why we need the second Group
      GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (0,0,ai.GetHpPercent() * 156, 21));
      // Draw the foreground image
      GUI.DrawTexture (Rect (0,0,156,21), aiTexture);
      // End both Groups
      GUI.EndGroup ();
      GUI.EndGroup ();

    In this function, we just use the new GUI function, GUI.BeginGroup(), to draw the mask for the hit-point bar.

  5. Now, we will go to back to Unity and drag the HitPointUI.js script to the HitPointUI game object in the Hierarchy view. Then we will go to its Inspector view and set the following:
    • Hit Point UI (Script)
    • Ai: AI (Drag the AI game object inside the Enemy game object to the Hierarchy view here)
    • Player: First Person Controller (Drag the First Person Controller game object to the Hierarchy view here)
    • Frame Texture: hitPointFrame (Drag the hitPointFrame.png from the Chapter6/UI/ folder here)
    • Hp Texture: hitPointBarHP (Drag the hitPointBarHP.png from the Chapter6/UI/ folder here)
    • Ai Texture: hitPointEnemy (Drag the hitPointEnemy.png from the Chapter6/UI/ folder here)
    • Text Hp Texture: HP (drag the HP.png from the Chapter6/UI/ folder here)
    • Text Ai Texture: Enemy (drag the ENEMY.png from the Chapter6/UI/ folder here)

Now we have finished our game, so click on Play to see the result. We will see that when the player or enemy gets shot the hit-point bar will decrease.

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

We just created the UI game object and the script, which we use to control the hit-point UI. We also used GUI.BeginGroup() to mask the decreasing damage from either the player or enemy hitpoints.

Classified Intel

In this section, we have used GUI.BeginGroup() to mask out the texture to show how much hit points are left. The GUI.BeginGroup() function must be close to GUI.EndGroup().

In our code, we basically created the first group to contain the background texture, which is the bar frame. Then, we drew another group on top of the first group, which contains the bar texture as a clip mask. This second group's width will relate to the hit-point value left for the player or enemy, as shown in the following code:

//Draw the background group
GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (110,15,156,21));
  GUI.DrawTexture(Rect (0,0,156,21), frameTexture);

// Create a second Group which will be clipped
  GUI.BeginGroup (Rect (0,0, player.GetHpPercent() * 156, 21));
  GUI.DrawTexture (Rect (0,0,156,21), hpTexture);

//End both Groups
  GUI.EndGroup ();
  GUI.EndGroup ();

From the preceding code, we can translate to the following diagram:

Classified Intel
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