Creating the waypoint and gizmos

In the first section, we will create the waypoint script to place the waypoint for our AI movement direction, which can be edited in the editor. We will also learn how to use the OnDrawGizmos() function, which we have used in Project 1, Creating a Sprite and Platform Game.

In this chapter, we will add the functions below the OnDrawGizmos() function to show the visual for our waypoint.

We use the Gizmos.DrawIcon() function to draw the icon image, see the direction line between two waypoints by using the Gizmos.Draw Line() function, to draw the line between two waypoints, and show the visual of the waypoint by using the Gizmos.DrawWireSphere() function to draw the wire sphere at the position of the waypoint.

Prepare for Lift Off

First, we need to drag-and-drop the Gizmos folder, which is located outside the Chapter6 folder, as shown in the following screenshot:

Prepare for Lift Off

Why did we move the folder outside the Chapter6 folder?

Take a look at this:

We see that the function takes two parameters: the first is the position of the object to draw the icon, and the second is the name of the icon image, which is string. The documentation says:

"The icon's path can be found in the Assets/Gizmos folder or in the folder."

This simply means that if we want to have our custom icon image, we basically need to put our image inside either of the folders mentioned earlier. Both the paths have advantages and disadvantages. If we want to use the image icon for every project in the same machine, we can put it inside the folder, but this will be difficult when we want to move the project to another person. On the other hand, if we want to use only the icon image in this project, we can create a Gizmos folder in the Project view and put the icon image inside that folder, which we just did.

Engage Thrusters

Now we are ready to start the first section:

  1. Create a new JavaScript file (we can add it to our Scripts folder to make it more organized) by going to Assets | Create | Javascript, and name it Waypoints.
  2. Double-click to open it in MonoDevelop and start creating the necessary parameters for this waypoint script. Let's replace the script as follows:
    //Name of the icon image
    public var iconName : String = "wayIcon.psd";
    //Radius of each way point - use for checking the collision detection with the enemy
    public var radius : float = 1.0;
    //Toggle this to make the enemy move by order from the first index to last index (Looping)
    public var orderDirection : boolean = false;
    //Get all the transform of the waypoint - including the the parent
    private var waypoints : Transform[];
    //Current waypoint index
    private var int_wayIndex : int;
    //Next waypoint index
    private var int_nextIndex : int;
    //Length of all waypoints
    private var int_wayLength : int;
    //Movement direction of the enemy to next waypoint
    private var v3_direction : Vector3;
    //Checking if the enemy hit the waypoint
    private var b_isHitRadius : boolean;
    Here, we just finished implementing the necessary parameters to use for our waypoint. 
  3. Next, we will add the Awake() function to set up all the necessary parameters before calling the Start() function by adding the following code:


    The Awake() function is used to initialize all the variables before the game starts or before calling the Start() function. You can check out the following Unity scripting document for more details:

    //Set up all parameters before Initialize
    public function Awake() : void {
      //Get all Transforms of the gameObject include the children and the transform of this gameObject
      waypoints = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Transform>();
      //Set up the length of all transform
      int_wayLength = waypoints.Length;
      int_wayIndex = 0;
      int_nextIndex = 1;
      //Checking the orderDirection; if it's false, it means the AI isn't moving by order, so using the random index of waypoint
      if(orderDirection == false) {
        var int_randomWay : int = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * int_wayLength);
        //Checking to make sure that the waypoint length is more than 1
        if (int_wayLength > 1) {
          //Use Random Index
          while (int_wayIndex == int_randomWay) {
            int_randomWay = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * int_wayLength);
        int_nextIndex = int_randomWay;
      //Set the direction to zero
      v3_direction =;
      //To ignore the first waypoint at the beginning of the game
      b_isHitRadius = true;

    In this function, we get the transform of each waypoint in the gameObject and all the children included in this gameObject by using the gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Transform>() to return the array of the Transform type object. Then, we set the length of this array, the start index, and next index of the waypoint. We also check to see if orderDirection is false, in which case the next index waypoint will be orderly picked. On the other hand, if it is true, the next index waypoint will be randomly picked.

  4. Next, we add the function to set up the position of the enemy at the start position of the waypoint, which we will call from the Start() function of our AIController script in the next step. Add the following code:
    public function StartPosition() : Vector3 {
      return waypoints[0].position;

    This way, we can make sure that the enemy will always start at the waypoint index 0.

  5. Then, we will create the core of this function, which will calculate and return the direction of the current position character to the waypoint position. Type the following code:
    //Return the direction of the enemy toward the next waypoint
    public function GetDirection( _AI : Transform ) : Vector3 {
      if (Vector3.Distance(_AI.position, waypoints[int_nextIndex].position) <= radius) {
        //Only check once when the AI hit the way point
        if (!b_isHitRadius) {
          b_isHitRadius = true;
          //Update the current way index
          int_wayIndex = int_nextIndex;
          //Get Direction by order
          if (orderDirection == true) {
            //Get the next way index
            int_nextIndex = (int_nextIndex + 1) % int_wayLength;
            } else {
              var int_randomWay : int = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * int_wayLength);
              //Checking to make sure that the waypoint length is more than 1
            if (int_wayLength > 1) {
              //Use Random Index
              while (int_wayIndex == int_randomWay) {
                int_randomWay = Mathf.Floor(Random.value * int_wayLength);
            int_nextIndex = int_randomWay;
      } else {
        b_isHitRadius = false;
      //Get Direction from the current position of the character to the next way point
      //Make sure that the y position equal to the waypoint y position
      var v3_currentPosition : Vector3 = new Vector3(_AI.position.x, waypoints[int_nextIndex].position.y, _AI.position.z);
      v3_direction = (waypoints[int_nextIndex].position - v3_currentPosition).normalized;
      return v3_direction;
  6. Next, we will add two more functions to check the direction from the enemy to the player, and check to see whether the enemy is away from the target waypoint at a specific distance or not. Both of these functions will give the enemy more characteristics. Let's type both the functions as follows:
    //To get the direction from current position of the enemy to the player
    public function GetDirectionToPlayer ( _AI : Transform, _player : Transform ) : Vector3 {
      //Make sure that the y position equal to the waypoint y position
      var v3_currentPosition : Vector3 = new Vector3(_AI.position.x, waypoints[int_wayIndex].position.y, _AI.position.z);
      var v3_playerPosition : Vector3 = new Vector3(_player.position.x, waypoints[int_wayIndex].position.y, _player.position.z);
      v3_direction = (v3_playerPosition - v3_currentPosition).normalized;
      return v3_direction;
    //Checking if the enemy is away from the target waypoint in the specific distance or not
    public function AwayFromWaypoint (_AI : Transform, _distance : float) : boolean {
      if (Vector3.Distance(_AI.position, waypoints[int_nextIndex].position) >= _distance) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
  7. The last function of this script is the OnDrawGizmos() function, which will only be used in the editor or debugging process. We will use this function to draw the icon image, the radius, and the line direction between each waypoint. Let's add it as follows:
    //Draw Gizmos and Directional line
    public function OnDrawGizmos() : void {
      //Get all Transform of this game objects include the children and the transform of this gameobject
      var waypointGizmos : Transform[] = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Transform>();
      if (waypointGizmos != null) {
        if (orderDirection == true) {
          //Draw line by the order of each waypoint 0,1,2,3,...
          for (var i : int = 0; i < waypointGizmos.Length; i++) {
            Gizmos.color =;
            //Get the next way point
            var n : int = (i + 1) % waypointGizmos.Length;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(waypointGizmos[i].position, waypointGizmos[n].position);
            Gizmos.DrawIcon(waypointGizmos[i].position, iconName);
            Gizmos.color =;
            Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(waypointGizmos[i].position, radius);
        } else {
          //Draw line from one point to every points except itself
          for (var j : int = 0; j < waypointGizmos.Length; j++) {
            for (var k : int = j; k < waypointGizmos.Length; k++) {
              Gizmos.color =;
              Gizmos.DrawLine(waypointGizmos[j].position, waypointGizmos[k].position);
            Gizmos.DrawIcon(waypointGizmos[j].position, iconName);
            Gizmos.color =;
            Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(waypointGizmos[j].position, radius);

    We use Gizmos.DrawLine() to draw the line between each waypoint, and Gizmos.DrawIcon() to draw the icon image for each waypoint game object in the scene to make it easier to edit. Then, we use Gizmos.DrawWireSphere( ) to draw and calculate the area of each waypoint related to the radius.

Now, we are done with the Waypoints script . Go back to Unity editor to create the waypoint game object by going to GameObject | Create Empty to create the empty game object and name it Waypoints. Then, drag the Waypoints script (that we just created) to this Waypoints game object, and set its Transform | Position to X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Rotation X:0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Scale X: 1, Y: 1, Z: 1, or we can click on the little gear in the Inspector view and choose Reset to reset all to the default positions, as shown in the following screenshot:

Engage Thrusters

You will see something similar to the following screenshot:

Engage Thrusters

Right now, we have the first or start position of the waypoint. We need more waypoint positions, which is very easy to achieve. You just need to create a new empty game object again and drag Waypoints inside. Go to GameObject | Create Empty to create the empty game object and name it Waypoint. Then, we drag the object to Waypoints, which we already have in the scene, and set its transform position to X: 5.2, Y: 0, Z: 4.3. We can also create more waypoints by pressing Crtl + D (in Windows) or Command + D (on a Mac) to duplicate another four Waypoint game object , and set all these objects' transform positions as follows:

  • Position X: 7.2 Y: 0 Z: 10.2
  • Position X: 3.4 Y: 0 Z: 12.1
  • Position X: -0.8 Y: 0 Z: 10.7
  • Position X: -2.2 Y: 2.7 Z: 5.2

If we take a look at the Hierarchy view, we will see something similar to the following screenshot:

Engage Thrusters

Then, if we click on Waypoints, and go to its Inspector view under the Waypoints (Script), we will see the Order Direction. We can also toggle it On or Off to enable the movement direction of the AI, which will also show the result on the editor screen by using the OnDrawGizmos() function , as we can see in the following screenshot:

Engage Thrusters

We can also move the waypoint object around to serve what we need or even increase or decrease the waypoint to fit our level.


The waypoint script will not work properly if we put the waypoint where the enemy can't walk through, which means that our enemy should be able to walk through and touch each waypoint (hit the green wire sphere area of each waypoint, as shown in the preceding screenshot). Otherwise, the enemy won't be able to move to the next waypoint.

We can also adjust the radius (you will see the green wire sphere change its size) in the Waypoints script, which will make our enemy start turning to the next waypoint faster or slower. However, we should be careful while adjusting the radius. If we set it too low, the character might not hit it and not turn to the next waypoint. So, the minimum radius should be 1.0.

In the next step, we will continue by creating the AIController script to make our enemy walk through each waypoint.

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

What we have done here is created the waypoint, which basically controls the movement of the enemy. We started by creating the Waypoints script , which gets the transform position of the game object and its children by using gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren.<Transform>().

Then, we added the getDirection() function , which checked the distance between the enemy position and waypoint position, as shown in the following diagram:

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

We can see from the preceding diagram that if the distance between the enemy and the waypoint position is smaller than the radius of the waypoint, it will trigger the waypoint to change the next waypoint index, which will also change the movement direction of the enemy.

Then, we added two functions: the first one is the GetDirectionToPlayer() function which was used to make the enemy move towards the player, and the AwayFromWaypoint() function was used to check the distance between the enemy and the next waypoint while the enemy is chasing the player. If it does, then we will return true and make our enemy go back to the next waypoint.

The GetDirectionToPlayer() function will make the enemy follow the player at a certain distance, and the AwayFromWaypoint() function will make the enemy go back to the waypoint if its position is too far away.

Next, we used the OnDrawGizmos() function to create the visual for the waypoint game objects to show in the editor. The waypoint is the empty game object, which is sometimes difficult to edit in the editor because we cannot see it in the editors.


It is better to use gizmo than trying to use camera layers and meshes for the waypoint.

So, using gizmo is the best solution and the better way that Unity provides us to see the visual of some empty game object. We also have the trigger parameter in the Inspector view to tell our enemy to walk randomly or by the order of the waypoint index.

Classified Intel

At the beginning of the script, we use GetComponentsInChildren.<Transform>() function. Have a look at the Unity document at the following link:

You might ask—why do we call it something different than the document, and why don't we just use the GetComponentsInChildren(Transform) or the difference between those two function calls? Well, as is specified in the document, we will see that the GetComponentsInChildren(Transform) function will return Component[] Or, it means that the script is attached to this game object but not the Transform[] type, which we need for our Waypoints script.

In this Unity document page, if we scroll down a little bit, we will see the following screenshot, which gives us our answer:

Classified Intel

You will see that there are two types of GetComponentsInChildren() function . So, refer to the following URL for more details:

If we go to the preceding link, we will see the following function:

function GetComponentsInChildren.<T> () : T[] 

We can see that the preceding function takes the type T and returns an array of type T, which we will use in this step.


In our script, we cannot use the GetComponentsInChildren.<T>() function , if we don't specify the type of our parameter as follows:

var waypointGizmos = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform); //Correct

However, we will see the following error if we specify the type of our parameter:

var waypointGizmos : Transform[] = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform); //Error

The preceding code will cause the error in Unity shown in the following screenshot:

Classified Intel

It is better to specify the type of the parameter based on its performance.

Finally, we used the OnDrawGizmos() function to create the visual for the waypoint game object, which will show only in the editor. We won't see anything while we are playing the real game after we build it.

However, if we want to see it while we are playing the game in the Game view, we can click on the Play button and click on the Gizmos button on the top-right to toggle the Gizmos On or Off as shown in the following screenshot:

Classified Intel
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