Game over-Wrapping it up

In this chapter, we just created a nice menu, which has the feature for an RPG game menu. This menu can move around the screen, and we can change the equipment of the character, too. We used a GUI class, GUI Skin, and OnGUI function to create this menu. In the GUI class, we used GUI.window to create our main menu, to create the background box area, GUI.DrawTexture to show our character graphics, GUI.Button to create a button, GUI.ToolBar to create a tab button, GUI.SelectionGrid to create a list of clickable items, GUI.BeginScrollView, and GUI.EndScrollView to create a scrolling area, and last we also used GUI.Label to create a text label. We also used GUIContent to contain the information of our button or label. Let's take a look at what we learned from this chapter:

Game over-Wrapping it up

We can also go back to the STATUS tab to see the result when we equip all the equipments, as seen in the following screenshot:

Game over-Wrapping it up
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